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24th December 1965
24th December 1965
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Page 1, 24th December 1965

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Tax Injustice

C INCE it is Christmas, and the season when conundrums come pouring out of crackers, we offer one with a transport flavour....

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Bradford Hauliers Ban Hull Docks Traffic

I N a ban scheduled to come into force today (Friday), Bradford hauliers, tired of delays at Hull docks, have threatened to...

Plating, Annual Tests am

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A NNUAL testing, plating, new braking standards, h.g.v. licences, stronger roadside check—all...


THE TRTA, backed by the RHA, is I seeking the support of the Ministry of Transport in protesting to the Board of Inland Revenue...

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rype Approval

formance tests by which the manufacturer can achieve his certificate, the development of new designs may be stimulated. This...

New Dodge Units to Service Tartan Arrow's Rail Link

E IGHT new Dodge 500 Series tractive units rated for 24 tons g.t.w. will be used by Tartan Arrow Service Ltd., London, E.9, to...

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Stormy Start for North Sea Ferries

T HE inaugural voyage of the new North Sea Ferries' Hull-Rotterdam (Europoort) roll on/roll off ferry " Norwave " on Friday not...

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Expansion of T ransfrigoroute

T HE international organization for refrigerated road vehicles, Transfrigoroute Europe, now has member associations in Belgium....


the Hull and East Riding 2-1 area committee of the Yorkshire division of the Traders Road Transport Association stresses the...

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New Motorway Limits in Force 'THE 30 m.p.h. " advisory"

limit on i. motorways in hazardous conditions (and the 70 m.p.h. limit on all otherwise unrestricted roads, including...

Load Transfer for BF

T ° give increased traction to single-drive multiwheelers, ERF Ltd. now offers a means of applying more load to the driving...

School Transport Mileage

r a large extent local education authorities regarded themselves as bound, or at least guided, by a Ministry circular which...

Mr. Fraser 'Jumped the Gun'

• From our Political Correspondent DIOARLIAMENT'S powerful all party Estimates Committee has taken a quick look at Mr. Tom...

What Manchester May Do Tomorrow

M R. STEPHEN SWINGLER, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, said in the Commons last week that he hoped the...

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Wine and Spirits ' Security ' Grant

L AST week the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I, R. Muir, granted G. and J. Porter Ltd. a B licence to operate six...


A N order revoking a vehicle licence held by Mrs. G. M. Wild, of Mere . worth, Kent, was made in her absence at Eastbourne last...

'Lax Operations' by Southampton Company, says LA

T HERE was a "truly innocent explanation for what seems like a series of gross irregularities ", said Mr. M. H. Jackson-Lipkin,...

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A N application by Hutchison's Coaches (Overtown) Ltd. for a stage carriage service between Wishaw and Motherwell was continued...

Car Transporter Bid for B-to-A

A DECISION on an application by By 41 - 1 Pass Transport (St. Austell) Ltd., Shepton Mallet, Somerset, was reserved by the...

Objections Were Met

A T Manchester last week objections by British Road Services and British Railways were met, then withdrawn, and an A licence...

One Grant, One Refusal

TN written decisions the North Western Traffic Commissioners have granted backing to an application by Ken Shaw and Son Ltd. to...

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APPLICATIONS (December 14, 1965) P. M. Browne, Bridport, Dorset, A var„ add 1 veh. (2t 14c). G.g., normally within 200 miles....


APPLICATIONS (December 18, 1965) Alexander Watt, Cromdale, new A lic„ 2 veil. (711). Goods tor SAI Ltd., Aberdeen, and John...


APPLICATIONS (December 16, 1965) Red Post Transport Ltd.. London SW9, new A lic., 2 veh. (150. G.g., London to South Wales and...


APPLICATIONS (December 16, 1965) Nicholson Transport, Basingstoke, new A lie., 4 veh. (14)0, 2 veh. (9t). Goods, mainly printed...


APPLICATIONS (December 18, 1965) Smith of Drawlog Ltd., Drumclog, new A lic., 1 T. (4)0. Sand, gravel, road and building mats,...


APPLICATIONS (December 17, 1965) Bishop's Wharf and Isbenvood Ltd., Liverpool, new A tic., 7 art. (3835).,, Lanes, Ches,...


APPLICATIONS (December 20, 1965) D. R. Munson Ltd., Hadleigh. new A lie., 1 art. (12t). General haulage, mainly to 'and from...

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Success of Comex Trip to India

(" 1 0L. L. GREGORY, leader of the Comex expedition of '205 students from all parts of the UK which travelled overland in five...

Irolleybuses a Menace in Modern Traffic'

THE view that the trolleybus with 1 its inherent flexibility was a menace in modern traffic conditions was expressed by Mr. J....

Liverpool Shoppers' Service

A SPECIAL bus service for shoppers was introduced by Liverpool City Transport early this month. The service is circular,...

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Central Transport Planning for Hong Kong

H ONG KONG has taken the first step towards the establishment of a central co-ordinatin g transport office. Mr. Y. K. Kan,...

Safety awards for LT staff

140 - EARLY 11,000 London Transport -LI drivers and more than 10,500 conductors q ualified last year for awards made by the...

Buses Annual T " annual offerin g for bus enthusiasts and more

serious students of road passen g er transport is out a g ain. I am referrin g , of course, to Buses Annual 1966, published by...

Vintage Train Lithographs

"TWO very attractive coloured litho" g raphs of vinta g e trams have been published recently by Vernon E. Prescott-Pickup, of...


E VER heard of a bus bein g towed away to a car pound .1--d when it should have been on servic e ? Perhaps not, but a No. 188...

Express Services Planned

E XPRESS coach services from Derby to Wales are planned by Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd. and Barton Transport Ltd. The services...

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The Minister of Transport has appointed Mr. G. E. Dearing

as chairman of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the East Midland area, with the following as members: Cllr. H....


WE regret to record the death of Mr. V. A. Hill. Mr. Hill was founder of the original haulage firm of Hill and Sons, now known...

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Probing Questions on the Transport Training Board

T ° a questioner who doubted whether the much canvassed figure of £25 to cover training of one employee per year would be...

Advantages a

0 types of tipper body mentioned by Mr. ID. F. Dartnell, sales development division, Alcan Industries Ltd., Banbury, in a talk...


I -1 A NEW range of steel-framed, lightalloy bodies mounted on Highway semi-trailer chassis has been introduced by Hazlemere...

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lew Welded Tipper Bodies

solely as a bed for the body when it is in the lowered position. The sub-frame is not therefore a lifting frame in the normal...


Steel framework is used in the con' struction—this is 3 in. by 1.25 in. . mild steel. top-hat-section material. Vertical side...


A NEW service being offered to fleet operators by 'Rollosbrite Ltd., 140 Station Road, Redhill, Surrey, is vehicle washing from...

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Sheppard-Meiller 10 cu. yd. Dumper

A MEILLER single front-end tipping ram operating at a pressure of 3,000 lb. sq. in. is a feature of a Magirus 6 x 6 10 cu. yd....

ISOTOPES TEST TYRE WEAR T ESTING tyres can be a lengthy

and costly business, but a new concept under development in the Akron, Ohio, laboratories of the Goodyear company is designed...

NEWS IN BRIEF Goodyear in Jamaica: Goodyear International Corp., a

subsidiary of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., U.S.A., is to build a £2.7m. tyre plant in Jamaica, 30 miles from Kingston....

RAC Lighting-up Guide T HE Royal Automobile Club has again published

its useful annual guide, "Lighting-up Times ". This pocket-sized leaflet also includes a town-to-town mileage chart and the...


Gears Use and Abuse R IGHT from the day the first horseless carriage rolled from its birthplace it has been necessary to...

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and Publications Battery Discharge Indicator A NEW discharge indicator has been developed by Horace Heyman Ltd., of Newcastle...

Oar Transporter and Recovery Trailers ("AR transporting and recovery trailers embodying new con

structional features are now available from John Reid and Sons. The normally accepted heavy chassis is discarded and the whole...

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BIRMINGHAM BREAKS EVEN despite steady passenger lecline

L IVE and let the private motorist live, yet still pay your way to the extent of meeting the cost of fleet replacements out of...

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By the Hawk VIEW A Christmas Story Here is a true story con cerning a policeman who, I am assured, has subsequently emigrated....

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6 6 HATEVER happened to Ernest Marples?", asked Maggie, looking round cautiously as though he was likely to be concealed behind...

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Winking Warning

THE IWHS president, Mr. R. Holland, takes the view that the fitting of winking beacons on all municipally owned vehicles would...

All Mod Con

DEPLORABLE sanitary conditions at laybys on busy highways have directed the attention of some local authorities to the Problems...

Off the Shelf?

SHOULD the manufacturers of cleansing vehicles sit down together around a table and evolve a series of standardized designs'?...

Defensive Armour

THE Glover-Webb organization is associated in most of our minds with cleansing vehicles, but that company has other interesting...

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'Sweet as a Nut' After 57 Years IN 1908, when Leyland products were L already making a name for themselves with the haulage...

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Simpler Export Documents:

B ECAUSE road transport is a service industry it is essential that it should at all times co-operate with its customers to a...


Turner and Newall's Good Figures QALES of TURNER AND NEWALL during the year 1,-) that ended on September 30 last jumped by...

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Relicensing Essentials Examined

common to many of the forms used in exporting could be inserted on all of them after being set down once only. The system...

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What to Read—Annual Re ports on Road Transport

THE reading of Government and company reports is an essential ingredient of all study for the senior transport examinations....

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That Dropped Semi

THE dropped semi-trailer referred to by Mr. J. W. Edinundson in the December 10 issue was in fact repaired at Taskers'...

Mr. Fraser the Master Mind Behind THC Transactions ?

A S a regular reader of The Commercial Motor for about " 45 years I have been interested in your reports of the activities of...

Challenge to Inventors

I N this day and age we hear of and have seen some wonderful inventions—television, radar, electronics, computers and now...