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12 Tons In A Six. Wheeled Tipper
WITH a capacity of 12 tons, a lightVV alloy tipping body built by Motor Distributors, Ltd., StanningIey Road, Leeds, 12, weighs only 17i cwt. without the tipping gear. Mounted......
Warning To Free Bus Companies
I T was doubtful whether the nationali zation of road passenger transport would produce greater efficiency. The Transport Act, where it related to passenger transport, was......
More Continental Travel Forecast
T HE Continental tour offered at an inclusive price had a marked attraction for some people, and the easing of the wages-restraint policy would be likely to lead, subject to......
P.t. Attacked
P URCHASE tax on goods-vehicle chassis was criticized by Mr. H. Mortimore, general sales manager of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., when he addressed the Manchester Motor Trades......
Lo.t.a. Meetings
F ORTHCOMING meetings of the Institute of Traffic Administration include the following:— March 12, Merseyside centre. lecture on road past‘enger transport by L. C. Harrison,......
Glasgow To Issue Road-rail Tickets
A N experiment in interavailable tickets is to be tried in Glasgow. It is proposed that for a period of six months, a shuttle bus service should he run between Pollok housing......
R.h.e. Says It With Pictures
A ' part of its advertising scheme to attract traffic, the Road Haulage Executive has published two attractively produced booklets describing its services, One is called......
I.o.t. Meetings
F UTURE meetings of the Institute of Transport include the following:— February 13: Guildford group, discussion on co-ordination, Railway Hotel, Guildford, 7 P.m.: Metropolitan......
Cathode-ray Tubes Broken By B.r.s.
r nAMAGE costing thousands of to/ pounds must have been caused to goods carried by State transport throughout the country, it was alleged at a recent meeting of York Chamber of......