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Lower Taxation And Better Roads
R " AD replanning.on a national scale was suggested by Major R.' A. B. Smith, president of the C.M.U.A., at a meeting arranged, last week, by the Manchester and South East Lanes......
S.t.r. Lectures To Cleansing Officials
S EATING accommodation was taxed to the uttermost when S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, addressed a meeting of the Institute of Public Cleansing, in London, recently,......
Higher Rates Essential, Says S.t.r.
S TRLKING tributes to the value of The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs were paid by hauliers at a meeting of the Canterbury subarea of A.R.O., when S.T.R., our costs......
Leyland's Chairman Pleads For Road Transport
COME pertinent observations were ■ -) made by Mr. J. H. Toulmin, J.P., chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd., at the company's 17th annual general meeting, held a few days ago. At......