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"vve Must Have . . ."
" W/E Want' or 'May We W Have? ' " the title of an editorial in The Commercial Motor, provided Mr. J. A. M. Bright, chairman of A.R.O. Yorkshire Area, with what he termed a text......
Stabilizing Rates For Milk C Ontinuance Of The Present...
fixing rates for the carriage of milk is not in the interests of carriers, farmers or dairies, said an official of the C.M.U.A. Manchester Area to a representative of The......
Manchester Meat Carriers Combine
THERE has just been formed the IL Manchester Meat Carriers Association, membership of which comprises and is open to meat carriers from the abattoirs in Manchester. It appears......
What The Associations
Are Doing LECTURES ON LUBRICANTS. In reporting, in last week's issue. S.T.R. 's lecture tour of South Wales, we inadvertently omitted to refer to the fact that with him was Mr.......