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25th January 1935, Page 41
25th January 1935
Page 41
Page 41, 25th January 1935

Scottish C.m.u.a. Gaining Strength.

At the annual general meeting of the Northern Area of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association, at Aberdeen, the following office-bearers were elected :—Chairman, Mr. T.......

£6,000,000 Coal-oil Installations For South Wales?

The Industrial Development Council of South Wales and Mon. has considered in detail a scheme for the establishment of a hydrogenation plant and 10 low temperature carbonization......

R.h.a. North-western Dinner.

The fourth annual dinner of the North Western area of the Road Haulage Association will take place on February 2. Acceptances have been -received from many eminent personalities......

Grade 3 Wages For Blackpool And District.

The Blackpool and District branch of the Road Haulage Association has been informed by the Joint Conciliation Board that, for the time being, Grade 3 wages will apply in its......

A New Adjustable Spanner With Vice-like Grip.

Designated the Master wrench, a well-made adjustable spanner, having certain unusual and advantageous features, has recently been introduced by Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great......

British Exports And The B.i.f.

Last Monday The Financial News published a special number entitled British Export Industries and the British Industries Fair." It was a notable achievement, for not only was the......