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Dated Leylands
I FEEL I must comment on the letter (CM May 18) "Ten years behind - . I must agree with the writer but I would say that LV was about 20 years behind most imported vehicles. I......
Exhausting Enterprise
MR HENEBERY'S castigation of Leyland is, in my opinion fully justified, particularly his comments concerning spares. The company I am employed by has been phasing out Leylands......
Long Hard Fight
IN REPLY to John Henebery's letter (CM, May 18), I would like to substantiate his claim that driving a Leyland should carry a "Government Health Warning". I am a driver employed......
HAVING read Mr Henebery's letter (CM. May 1 8) I must say that with his gift for sweeping generalisation, unsupported argument and blind prejudice, he should run for Parliament.......
Luxury For Some
I WAS interested in the article "Top people take luxury coaches (CM, April 6) which described the design of luxury coaches. It made me wonder what improvements have been made by......