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Lauliers Do The Job Letter Says Eec
STOMERS are still taking their business away from the [ways to put freight on the roads — and there is no indication .t the trend will change, says the EEC. ;peaking at a......
Cordon Call To Council
A CALL to abandon th notorious Windsor Cordo series of heavy vehicle bans i Berkshire has been made b the Freight Transpot Association, Road Haulag Association and the Nation;......
Iha's Fuel Lobby
NEW approach to the Secretary of State for Energy David owell has been made by the Road Haulage Association in an fort to get the supplies of dery for heavy lorries eased. The......
Support Is Coming In
ERF MANAGING director Peter Foden has approached Crewe Labour MP Gwynneth Dunwoody in an effort to get more support for the lobby for Increased vehicle weights. And support for......
Action On Test Delay
THE GOVERNMENT is 1 take steps to reduce the deb in waiting for driving tesl from its current average ley , of 26 weeks. Announcing the intentio .Transport Minister Normr Fowler......