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28th October 1960
28th October 1960
Page 1
Page 1, 28th October 1960

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()thing for Something

T HERE is merit in the suggestion that the Road Haulage Association should call a conference of trade and industry to discuss...

Help for the Asking

TT is an obvious truth that no manufacturer of goods requiring after1 sales service should attempt to sell overseas before he...

Page 36

Our Ernest

F EW of Her Majesty's Ministers eau have had such a mixed reception as an after-meal speaker as Mr. Ernest Marplesour own...

Burle rancis Caunt

p RACTICAL market research is a matter in which Burley Francis Caunt, managing director of Atkinson Vehicles, Ltd., has taken a...

Bird's Eye View By The Hawk

Hailsham Humour H OW about, incidentally, the delightful sally from Lord Hailsham at last week's Society of Motor...

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Take-over Licence Cut Down

A SHEFFIELD transport firm which was granted a B licence for five vehicles after acquiring another business, must surrender its...

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London Rush—hour Peak Heavier •

L ONDON rush- hour travel is g reater than ever, although fewer people are travellin g to work by road despite a big increase...

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Rival Applications for Butlins Service

'TRAVELLING facilities between 1 Manchester and Butlins holiday camp at Pwllheli were criticized by fnernbers of the public...

Page 42

B Licence Granted on Evidence of Short-term Work A N ex-bus

driver, Mr. R. McKeeganey, of Consett, Co. Durham, with no supporting evidence other than particulars of 'work carried out...

Future of the _Fuel Cell

'THAT research work on the fuel cell I was going on in their new research laboratories was revealed by Mr. Edward Powell, sales...

New Transport Companies

C. Templeman (Haulage), Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: C. Templeman, 53 Prince Edwin Street, Liverpool, and S. Downes, 14 Coningsby...

Page 43

Newport Steelworks Haulage Cleared, Says Minister

MEWPORT'S traffic position—there 1 1 were 5,000 loads a' day going to the Spencer steelworks site during the summer—has not...

Standard Conditions for B Licensee

A N application by T. T. Walker, Ltd., of Newbum, Northumberland, to amend the normal user of 35 B-licensed vehicles and to add...

Contract Bid Draws Warning

A SLEAFORD, Lincolnshire, haulier, 1-1 .• John William Moon, was given 'another chance by the East Midland Licensing Authority...

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Army Driving Honours Shared

A T the finish of the 1,200-mile Army Driving Championship at Bedford last Friday (The Commercial Motor, last week), 166 of the...

Micrograms. .

Big Share Issue: Silentbloc, Ltd., are tc issue 5m. shares of 2s. each, Central Depot Plan: Fife County Council is considering...

Page 45

Safety Delegates Approve Black Mark System for Drivers

D ELEGATES to the National Safety Congress of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents in London , last week debated...

Coach-Air Link for Happiway

C OACH-AIR tours were the subject of a series of applications by Happiway Tours (Manchester), Ltd., concluded at Manchester on...

Municipal Opportunities

Rowley Regis Borough Council is recommended to buy from Shelvoke and Drewry. Ltd., a refuse co/lector for £3.380. Walsall...

No Turbans, Says Manchester

L AST week, Manchester Transport Committee passed, with one dissentient, a resolution expressing support for the employment of...

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We May Have TO Close Down —

Highland Omnibuses Warning ESPITE a threat that if fares increases were not granted, additional mileage and operating costs...

How L.T.E. Loo ks After Drivers

ON DON TRANSPORT would not pay 1 --4 for a man to risk his health; they would rather ensure that there was no • risk, said Dr....

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Vandervell Introduce Centrifugal Filter

A SIMPLE centrifugal oil filter of Continental origin is now available in this country from Vandervell Products, Ltd., Western...

The Work That Nobody Wanted

TRANSPORT of wool, waste materials. I rags, animal products and allied goods from Glasgow to points throughout the United...

Too Much Generality, Says Authority

THERE seemed to he an increasing 1 tendency for witnesses supporting applications to indulge in generality when giving...

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Political Commentary • By JANUS L ITTLE ITTLE harm should follow the somewhat unexpected intrusion of the controversial...

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Combined Operation!

manager. ) ay With Every Vehicle Replaced at Two-yearly intervals, an Eye-catching Modern Fleet is a Valuable Advertisement...

Page 56

Road V. Rail in the 'Sixties W AS the challenge presented

by the British Railways' modernization plan likely to create a streamlined, dynamic system worthy of a great trading nation,...

London LTA. W inter Programme

THE following meetings have been arranged by the London Division of the Industrial Transport Association, to he held at the...

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Coach Lessons from the Cars

By a Special Correspondent CAR styling, as exemplified by exhibits at the Motor Show, is in the doldrums. But, nevertheless,...

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At Last A iver's Lorry

By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R,T.E. 66 I 'LL be glad when the governor gets some of these: I know I won't be too happy with my...

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Atlantean Style Pioneers

Devon General's A tlanteans Have Allowed Reduction in Service Frequencies with Increased Seating Capacity By A Special...

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Publish 'Contract Applications, Tribunal State

THE Transport Tribunal have given their judgment on their decision to allow the appeal of the British Transport Commission to...

Caravan Troubles Led To Haulage Bid

L ACK -of facilities for transporting LA caravans led to Mr. E. W. Espley, managing . director of the Earnley Caravan •Co.,...

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New Equipment and Publications

Dipping by Electronics A ' TOMATIC headlamp dipping devices, already accepted in North America, have aroused little interest...

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Letters to the Editor

To the Enemy Camp W E read of the increasing struggle by bus companies to meet the burden of rising costs. Whilst no doubt...

Sub-contractors Refuse Loads, So Licence Terms are Widened

A N application by Western Freights, Ltd., Alveston, Bristol, to vary the conditions of their B licence to read: "general goods...

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Which is the Cheaper?

Comparative Costs for Petroland Oil-engined Versions of a • i5-cwt. Van are in Favour of the Oiler 6g HAT are the comparative...

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Cushioned Leaf Suspension

A SUSPENSION system employing 1 - 1 leaf-springs located by pneumatic units is shown in patent No 844,063. The object of the...