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T HE ability of the road motor to take the load from door to door and to compass the intervening space so rapidly that, on any...
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Interesting Reminiscences of a Londoner. M ANY LONDONERS will,. no doubt, be able to recall the old horse buses which ran in...
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Of more frank talks about the franc. That the old roads have not always the best loads. That the demand for benzole grows,...
Old lady in Paris omnibus, on giving the conductor a 20-franc note for a 35-centime fare :—" Kindly put me down at No. 171 Bis....
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T HE SMALL accumulator electric truck is becoming increasingly popular for the rapid transit of small but heavy goods in...
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An Interesting Demonstration of the Capabilities of the Vehicle on Soft Sand, Over Rough Country and on Steep Gradients. By...
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Brief Details of the Most Important Types on the British Market. F EW BUILDERS of passenger vehicles have had more experience...
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An Interesting Revival of the Use of Steam in Passenger Work by the Makers of a Well-known Commercial Steam Chassis. E ITER...
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T HE coming char-iaba,nes season promises to give an exceedingly good indication of the trend of development of the giant...
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Interesting Figures which Show the Growth in the Past Seven Years in the Number of Undertakings, the Capital Employed and the...
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The Factors Which Have Contributed to the Increased Popularity of the Small and Speedy Vehicle for Touring Purposes. COE OF...
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C ONTINUING our brief notes on this subject from page 193, the following makes of chess's and vehicles deeerve particular...
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Details of the Successful Operation of a Fleet of Municipally Owned Vehicles. I T stand s . to the credit of Birkenhead that...
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How to Tell the Story of Motor Coaching in the Most Effective and Ecomothical Manner. R EMILARLY every spring the most...
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S INCE THE Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., were foamed in. the latter pert of 1913, the company have made considerable...
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Vital Matters which Call for Careful Attention During a Chassis Overhaul. How a Weekly Inspection of Such Matters Should be...
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p RESSED-STEEL disc wheels for all sizes of commercial vehicles have long been a study of the Lynton Wheel and Tyre Co., and...
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A Careful Analysis of Running Costs and Standing Charges of Buses of Different Types Operating in London or in the Provinces,...
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M ANY interesting developments in the design of the motorbus body inay be confidently expected dining the next few years,...
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The Part Played by a Pioneer Passenger Vehicle Concern in the Development of Regular and Efficient Services. T HE ROMANCE of...
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Details of the New W. and G. Special Long Wheelbase Passenger Chassis Suitable for Single-deck Buses and Coaches Seating from...
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Broadcasting is Sure to Play an Important Part in the Entertainment of Coaching Parties this Summer. How to get the Best...
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An Exacting Service, and the Vehicles which have been Evolved to Withstand It. QIMPLE though it may appear . ,to make o...
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What Has Been Done to Bring the Modern Passenger-carrying Vehicle to its Present State of Perfection. Useful Refinements for...
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The Importance of Obviating the Possibility of Error. How a Large West of England Company Overcame the Difficulty. J N ANY...
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Compensating for Load Variation. Spring Flexibility Controlled by Steering. O NE OF the greatest difficulties con-Freon-ling...
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The Skotch " Deals Briefly, in the Following Article, with the Essential Preliminaries for the Inauguration of Services in...
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The Different Types of Buses Employed in the Services of the French Capital. The Six-wheeler a Success and the Express Bus...
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Interestin g Statistics Regarding the Numbers of Vehicles and Owners. An Association to Protect Independent Interests.Notes on...
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MHOSE WHO have attempted to devise an electric light equipment tor taxicabs have always found themselves confronted with the...
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Co-operation Amongst Proprietors in the Matter of Rates Schedules, The Plans and Intentions of the Prominent Owners. T HIS...
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Some Special Requirements. Types of Vehicle in Use. T HE sphere of the. commercial passenger vehicle is continually expanding,...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 503. — An Improvement to the Fan Drive of...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patents. MHE number of designs for the attach ment between the tractor and trailer portions of...