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Of more frank talks about the franc.
That the old roads have not always the best loads.
That the demand for benzole grows, but cannot yet be met.
That; nervousness in transport connotes nervelessness of industry.
01 many new and small people able to live in the country because of motorbus facilities.
That to-day's motor-taxation policies arc at last tending towards agreed principles.
That many recruits to the ranks of car owners began their motoring careers by travelling in a. motorbus.
That the railway companies are not yet quite at their wits' end as to how to reduce losses on most of their road motor services.
From Sweden, of success with rustless iron castings.
With much satisfaction, that Plimsoll marks a r e generally getting lower.
That Mr. McKenna's duties ought to be extended materially to strengthen rubbers."
T hat "General" 98.9 effi,ciency will be much too high .1 o r diversified kerbstone combers.
That much more land-marking and land-making will this year be primarily due to motorbus extensions.
That not much of the money derived from the .private owner will be excused by the Treasury .on taxation revision.
That improved bulk delivery of petrol by road, by Scammell six-wheelers more particularly, is tending to ease the call for more tank storage in situ..
. That some at least of the railway managements have realized their mistake of trying in 1922 to overbluff the assessment authorities in respect of local rating.
That concerted railway representation is now established on numerous county, municipal, urban, and rural councils, and that not all Concerned are yet awake to these developments according to plan.
That any further increases in petrol pri`ces re
direct public attentionto the only means of effective control—the use of gas traetion by means of cornpressed coal-gas or of improved producer sets.
That Whitley Councils may be revived before long with effective. powers. • That the time is fast approaching when we'll all be motor-coaching.
That manners and modes amongst motor-coach passengers are gradually improving.
That, in spite of the date of issue, those who buy this number don't make fools of themselves.
That praise is due to those who have fought the proposals for higher taxes on road transport.
That there should be less objection, and perhaps none at all, if the motorway between Birmingham and Manchester can get away as a private enterprise.
That they're farther ahead with the S.M.M. and T. motor section at Wembley than, with numerous others, and that not a few late applicants who failed to get in are now kicking themselves. 0 That Mr. 0. C. Power is one of the big forces behind " Midland
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From a quarry owner, who considers that either under or overtype steamers a, r,e "on top" for his particular requirements.
Tardy realizatior. that o u r future absorbent markets must exist overseas n d Greater Britain is fast, opening out good roads).
That, -thanks to the coal shortage, coke is in great demand just now, and many gasworks, having disposed of their reserve stocks, arc selling it steaminghot as soon as it is made.