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18th March 1909
18th March 1909
Page 1
Page 1, 18th March 1909

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Transport by Tractor.

Wo are able to publish (pages 25 to 28) the conclusion of our report. upon the War Department's trials, together with an...

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The French " Royal " Show.

From a Special Correspondent. In England, there are two main agricultural shows the " Royal," and the " Smithfield." In...

Page 3

The War Department's Competition.

Thornycroft Wins the £750 Prize. Conclusion of the Tests at Aldershot; Particulars of the Tests in the Long Valley; Complete...

Page 7

Out and Home.—By " The Extractor."

Each week something points to increased activity in the trade which it is quite refreshing to observe. Mr. Ernest Dook, of...

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Motorbus World.

News contributions are invited payment will be made on publication. Penny stages have now been areranged on the Central London...

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News and Comment.

This journal chronicles, fosters, and represents commercial motoring in all its branches : it has a genuine circulation and...

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News contributions are invited : payment witf he made on publication. On 1st March last taxicabs cornmenced service in...

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Tractors for Home and Abroad.

The Claims of the Modern Hauling Engine for Use where Heavy Traction.type Machines are not Admissible. What is a Tractor 7...

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Answers to Queries.

Goodwin Snow Shoes. 113791 " G.A.P." asks Will you be good enough to let me have information as to where I can find a...

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Opinions from Others.

The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...

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Contributions from Drivers and Mechanics.

Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....

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The Supply Department.

Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. Duerkopp Parts. The General...

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Patents Completed.

Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...