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F OR over a year we have experienced a war of mind attrition, which has strongly affected, and probably influenced, the work of...
/EIGHT reduction on the commercial-motor Oaf side of the automobile manufacturing dustry exerts an influence similar to that of...
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D UAL ignition is used to a large extent on aero engines, and some operators of commercial vehicles wonder why it is not...
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Of Vulcan forging along nicely. That dentists should get their teeth into the ievelopment of mobile clinics. The bitter...
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PEDESTRIANS SHOULD OBSERVE TRAFFIC LIGHTS. T HE chairman of Dewsbury Safety First Committee, Mr. Charles Fryer, expressed the...
R EGARDED as an impottant case to local authorities and one that, during its hearing, was closely watched by the Ministry of...
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Ingenious Transmission Arrangements Permiqing a Low Loading Line and a 120-cubic-ft. Body A N interesting light van, embodying...
to the commercial-vehicle industry is a new introduction to this country named Bundy tubing. Similar in appearance to tubing...
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Goodwill on ay? Part of All Concerned, and the Exercise of Farsighted Diplomacy by thos3 Responsible for , Making AgreEments,...
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A Unique Type of Body Construction Which Provides For 100 Per Cent. Visibility A WIRELESS broadcasting vehicle of rather...
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Apart from its Widespread Use as a Motor Fad, Large Quantities of Benzole are Consumed for a Wide Range of Industrial Purposes....
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A Public WO7ks Car (Leeds), Ltd., Need Vehicles, But Alsc M. Harrison and Co. Big Fleet of Sound Special Equipment P ROMINENT...
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Substantial Increase in the Number of Commercial Vehicles In Use During 1938. Fewer Licence Holders but More Vehicles...
.L./are the subject of a booklet recently published by the Copper Development Association, Thames House, Millbank, London,...
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WITHDRAWAL OF RESTRICTIONS ON IMPORTED TRACTORS. The Tractor Users' Association has been in communication with the...
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incorrect Apportionment of Overheads May Show an Unusually Low Figure for Each Vehicle. Small items That May be Overlooked A...
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Aluminium Finish, 12 Speeds and High Standard of Equipment F "quality of finish a new 12-18-tonner recently introduced by the...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of com mercial motors. Letters should be written on...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT BOLTON GIVES GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY T HE chairman of Bolton Corporation Transport Department, Alderman...
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A ROAD passenger vehicle, which probably represents the biggest ever built on the Continent, is that recently produced by Karl...
A KEEN cinematographer, Mr. F. G. Eaton, of Small Heath, Birmingham, uses his films to awaken the interest of the public in the...
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• A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications Obtainable from the Patent Office, Price 1s. each S TATED to be...