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17th January 1907
17th January 1907
Page 1
Page 1, 17th January 1907

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Uniformity of Motorbus Control in London.

An important clause in the new Motorcar Act will, unless the same object is secured at an earlier date by a separate short...

Page 2

Appreciations of Our 1907 Programme.

"The Best of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Journals." Mr. T. B. Browne (James & Browne, Limited) :— " I find your new booklet...

Page 3

The Displacement of London' s Horse Omnibus.

Official records show : two years ago, 3,551; one year ago, 3,484; to-day, 2,964. The progress of the London motorbus services...

The Commercial Motor.

Coetaueted hy EDMUND DANGERFIELD. Mae E. SHRAPNELL SMITH. Manager ; RNEST FERMAN., Office. 7-15. Rosebery Avenue, London, EC,...

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Uniformity of Motorbus Control in London.

An important clause in the new Motorcar Act will, unless the same object is secured at an earlier date by a separate short...

Page 6

Appreciations of Our 1907 Programme.

"The Best of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Journals." Mr. T. B. Browne (James & Browne, Limited):— " I had your new booklet on...

Page 7

The Displacement of London' s Horse Omnibus.

Official records show: two years ago, 5,551; one year ago, 5,484; to-day, 2,964. . The progress of the London motorbus...

The Cornmerciai Motor.

Car:ducked by EDMUND DANGER FIELD. Lbw : E. SHRAPNELL SMITH. Manlier: ERNEST P ER MAX. Off ice .1745. Rosehery Avenue,...

Page 10

The Art of Wheel and Body Making.

An Observation Tour Round the Works of J. Liversidge and Son, Limited. In -no construction, for which wood is employed, is the...

Page 13

The Motor Omnibus World.

Mr. A. H. Tyler, who used to be engineer to the Leamington and District Motor Omnibus Company, has been appointed to take...

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Motor Traffic in London.

The adjourned conference of Metropolitan Local Auflierites on the above subject was held on Wednesday, the 9th instant, at the...

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News and Comment.

This journal fosters, represents and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches. The drawings for the article on the...

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London Borough Councils and Heavy Motors.*

On the recommendations with regard to heavy motorcar and locomotive traffic, Councillor J. F. Townesend (Lambeth) drew...

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The Question of Trailer Brakes. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—Can you explain , why the authorities are strict...

Page 20

The Hall Hydraulic Gear Explained.

By Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Mech.E. Since the reading of my paper before the Society of Motor Omnibus...

Page 24

Side-slip and Skid Prevention.

First Notice of the Devices Entered for the A.C.G.B.I. Trials. (Continued from page 4/4.' Moore's non-skidding arrangement,...

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Patents Completed.

UNIVERSAL JOINT. — Bailey. — N. 10,373, dated 3rd May, 1906.—One end of the divided shaft (a) carries a cup (b), and the other...