Appreciations of Our 1907 Programme.
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"The Best of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Journals."
Mr. T. B. Browne (James & Browne, Limited) :— " I find your new booklet on my desk, on my return from the country. It is most interesting, especially page 4, giving particulars of the increase in the circulation."
Mr. H. G. Burford (Manes-Daimler, Limited) :—
" I think your programme for the New Year is very comprehensive, and I trust it will be a very successful one for you, and also for your numerous subscribers. The programme for the future deals on a liberal scale with intending clients."
Mr. Thomas Clarkson (Clarkson, Limited) :—
" Your New Year circular appears to me to be very well got up, and should induce business."
Mr. W. H. Clay {Ryknield Motor Company, Limited) :— "T have perused your New Year circular with very much interest, and note the excellent arrangements you are snaking for special numbers for the current year. I have always had the highest opinion of your journal, both as a tzchnical journal and also as an advertising medium."
Mr. J. S. Critchley, M.I.Mech.E.:
" I think your New Year circular is got up in very nice style indeed, and is generally in keeping with the excellence of the productions you turn our."
Mr. William Deighton (The Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagen Company) " I am pleased to note, from the chart, the rapidly growing popularity of your useful publication, and I have no
doubt that this will continue to increase."
Mr. Raymond Dennis (Dennis Brothers, Limited) :—
" Your New Year circular is a very interesting record, and I am glad to see the advancement 'THE COMMERCIAL MoTott ' has made. You have a valuable and busy programme for the future, and I wish you every success."
Mr. S. F. Edge (S. F. Edge, Limited) :
" Your little booklet entitled Where to spend your money during 1907 ' is a most excellent production, and very convincing to the firm who want to advertise, Many thanks for sending it to me."
Mr. Edwin Foden (Fodens, Limited): " I consider your paper the best of the commercial motor vehicle journals, and I am glad to see that you intend to extend your efforts to reach a wider circle of probable customers. I wish your paper every success."
Mr. Alex. Govan (Argyll motors, Limited) :— " I have to congratulate you on the enterprise shown in the announcements on Page 7 of your New Year circular. So far as a paper can help the commercial vehicle, I think you are doing it ; your programme is quite unique and attractive."
Mr. Claude Johnson (C. S. Rolls & Company) :— " A very clever and interesting pamphlet."
Mr. Frederick R. Simms (The Simms Manufacturing Corn pany, Limited) : 1 think your New Year circular is a capital idea. It certainly puts matters very well forward, and should convince people of the excellent value of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR,'"