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16th April 1937
16th April 1937
Page 1
Page 1, 16th April 1937

Page 33

Abuse of Contract Licences

A CONSIDERABLE amount of discontent and perturbation is being caused amongst the legitimate and well-conducted members of the...

Market Value of A Licences

T HERE is a tremendous wave of optimism• amongst owners of haulage businesses who operate under A licences. " It relates to the...

Page 34

Passing Comments

Oxford Surveyor's HE wide publicity given to Lead Followed by I the efforts of Mr. G. T. Another County . • Bennett, the...

Page 35

One ears

Of a move to improve rates for fruit transport. Of herrings—red and otherwise—being dragged across the road trail from...

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NEWS of the WEEK

DRIVERS' HOURS VARIATION FOR CORONATION" WEEK? The Institution of British Launderers, as well as the Associates Committee of...

Page 38

Haulier Agrees Not to Increase Fleet ?

T Cardiff, last week, the review of a gentlemen's . agreement" between the London add Welsh Tra.nsport Co., Ltd., Cardiff, and...

Caught in Contract-licence Trap T HE Appeal Tribunal, at Carlisle, last

week, dismissed, with costs, an appeal by Mr. J. A. Pratt, 31, Greenhill, Brampton, against the 'refusal of the Northern...

Business Lapses : Successor (( Newcomer ?

• r i ECIS1ON was reserved by the I.-or Appeal Tribunal, at Carlisle, when Modern Haulage Services,. Ltd., 36, Lowther Street,...

Page 39


in the present circumstances, it is impossible to run a service from Boston to London, as certain operators are seeking to do,...

Bid to Prejudice Authority ?

T HE form of an objection put forward by the L.N.E. Railway Co. was the subject of protest before the Yorkshire Deputy...

Is Clearing-house Evidence Valid?

A FORWARDING agent, or clearing house, cannot give evidence of an increase in industry. This suggestion was made by Mr. V. R....

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Is a farmer C-licence holder entitled to carry for hire or reward for another farmer over 20 miles from the licensee's base?...

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Developments with Peat as a Source of Producer Gas

T HE intensive efforts that have been made in Germany to find effective substitutes for petrol, and thus to render the country...

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--A Big Operator Tells How T HEtask of modifying the lighting equipment of vehicles, to conform with the regulations coming...

Page 44

Improving the Lines of the Refuse Collector

M UCH time has been spent by Bromilow and Edwards, Ltd., Foundry Street; Bolton, in considering the possibility of giving a...

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Few Changes in C. and U. Regulations

D ETAILS of the Draft Construction and Use Regulations were published in our issue dated June 5, 1936. The Regulations come...

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R ESCUE work in a coal mine, flooded as the result of an explosion, is held up while pumping machinery is brought to the site....

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Motors Speed Up Clothes Rejuvenation

R ECENT years have seen big developments in dyeing and 'cleaning services, and to-day people expect a much quicker delivery of...

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When Is a Haulier "Established " ?

W HAT is an established ' , haulier? This point was discussed at LiverpOol, last Week; before Mr. W. Cham berlain, ....

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Why the Oil Engine Must Progress A GENERAL review of

the development of the compression-ignition engine during 1936 was presented on Wednesday before the Diesel Engine Users...

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Scientific Design in Non-dazzle Lamp • F OR some weeks we have

had on trial a new non-dazzle headlamp. It is named the Meteor and is made by Safety Services, Ltd., 8-10, North Audley Street,...

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Space Economy That Increases Passenger Comfort

A LTHOUGH there are many differences of outline and detail, according to the fancies of the operator or bodybuilder concerned,...

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Special Rates Required for Hire of Horseboxes

C ONTINUING my remarks on horsebox operation and at the same time reminding readers that this article is part of a series in...

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Operating Aspects of

Passenger Transport M ONDAY. marked the fifth anniversary .. of ,the opening of Victoria Coach Station by London Coastal...

Huge New Bus Depot for Leeds

L AST week Sir Josiah Stamp, G.C.B., opened the new depot in Torre Road, Leeds, for the transport department of that city. It...


E MPLOYEES of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and associated concerns will not accept the companies' offer of improved...

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B LACKPOOL Corporation has raised. a storm of protest following its action at a recent sitting of the North Western Traffic...


W TIEN a scheme of standardization of fares on about 6,000 stages on the service operated by W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., from...

Fighting for the Trader's Carcase

X , interesting comment on the present wrangles in the traffic courts, between the railway companies and road-haulage concerns,...

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What the

Associations Are Doing LEGAL-AID SCHEME FOR MIDLAND ASSOCIATION. On Monday, the Midlands Area Coach and Transport...

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and QUERIES DO NOT ANTAGONIZE SECTIONS OF ROAD USERS. [5022] In common with all those whose concern it is to render the...

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Smart New Vans Sup plemen t Hauliers' Vehicles O NE of the ever-present

fears of many hauliers is that ancillary users may, unless they are allowed to. dictate prices, increase their own fleets and...

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A Rear Engine-cum-transmission Unit

U NORTHODOX design is apparently, no longer the prerogative of Continental designers, as is instanced by the appearance of a...