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MHE final report of the Royal Commission on Transport is somewhat startling, and, unlike those previously issued, which were...
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Street a few days ago, we encountered one of the new traffic police mounted on a motorcycle, but held up for a minute or two by...
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That motor coach-body repairers are not complaining of the recent fogs. Of economical side and ta • il lamp bulbs with a...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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L ASTweek we were able to inspect at the works of E. Proctor and Sons, Ltd., at 122, High Street, T_Ixbridg,e, Middlesex, a...
Chester Corporation has obtained sanction to run a service of buses from the city> boundary to Rehouses. Southwold Corporation...
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T HE history of motorbus transport in the United States represents a development parallel with that taking place in England and...
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Interesting Experiments Carried Out in France with Buses and Lorries TN France a good deal of atten-Ition is being devoted to...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3298] Sir,—We have read with interest the abovementioned article which appeared on page 601...
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W E learn with satisfaction that Victor Electrics, Ltd., Southport, has produced a special type of battery electric vehicle for...
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Show of 1929 we described the Thornycroft JC chassis, a rigid six-wheeler intended to carry pay-loads of 10 tons. Developments...
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THE ROYAL COMMISSION A Precis of Those Conclusions and Recommendations which Affect the Road-transport Industry D IN l G with...
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• fo r Double -deckers A Type of Walman Allweather Roof now Available for Doublesaloon Buses W E have frequently in the past...
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for Passenger Vehicles T HE coachbuilder who has built up a reputation for the best class of bodywork becomes dissatisfied...
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I N a report to the French Academia des Sciences, M. Leon Gullet, head of the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufacturers,...
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THE HAULIER AND CARRIER I T is most important to keep in mind certain essential features of this method of keeping account of...
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Passenger Travel O F late there has been increased activity in all branches of passenger transport in the Tees-side area and...
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Important Appeals that are to be Heard This Week kl PPOSITION is being shown by private bus companies and other interested...
T HE transport manager of York Corporation, Mr. R. S. Asher, reports that be has considered the opinions expressed at a recent...
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Further Parliamentary Powers for Trolley Vehicles not to be Sought at Present T HE manager of the Manchester Corporation...
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S EVERAL years ago a tailoring business began in a modest way at Silsden, near Keighley, Yorks, Mr. Price being the sole...
to be manufactured by Karrier Motors, Ltd., Karrier Works, Huddersfield. will be most comprehensive, including goods and...
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O NE day last week a well, built mobile fish restaurant was despatched from the bodybuilding works of Sully, Blackford and...
F OLLOWING the example of the 12 German State Railway Exploitation Co., the authorities of the Swiss Federal railways have...
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I N order to provide accommodation for its ever-increasing fleet the Berliner Verkehrs Gesellschaft, which operates the...
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T TNDER the name of the Lumen, k_.) a useful little. workshop device has just been brought out in France to facilitate...
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Tho ATENT No. 339,581, by A. nerve, of 23, Rue d'Alsace, (Melly, France, describes a clutch in which a novel means. for...