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12th November 1908
12th November 1908
Page 1
Page 1, 12th November 1908

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One-sided Proposals for Speed Reduction in London.

Friday ol last week, in London, witnessed the holding of a meeting which will probably never be surpassed as a display of...

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Whiteley' s Fleet of Motorvans.

In lie early stages of commercial motoring, William Whiteiev, Limited, the " Universal Provider ' of Westbourne Grove, W., made...

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Chemical and Physical Tests of Solid Tires.

By Clayton Beadle and Henry P. Stevens. Tern hie-, new, to Table D, which shows the figures for stretch in the transverse and...

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Road Traction Engineers Debate.

The Society of Road Tractioa Engineers held the lirst meeting of its fourth session at its new head q uarters, 112,...

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The Motor Omnibus World.

Alphabetic Route Boards. "1" . :v: London Electrobus Company, Limited, on Friday of last week, obtained the approval of...

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News and Comment.

This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches; it has the largest and best...

Page 13

Out and Home.—By "The Extractor.'' Mr. F. U. Bradbury, formerly

manner 1)1 the Continental solid tire deartment, has left that company's serice, and has been appointed manager Dr Vico,...

Page 14

From Our Berlin Correspondent.

Street-sweeping Machines, I understand that several orders have 001211 placed, [ruin other Corporations, for the !linen...

Page 15

Utility Motors in France.

Some important changes have been nade in the iyoy Darracq taxicabs. Vith ;he exception of a red ietion of ore froin 65 to 75...

Page 16


The Effect of Self-propelled Traffic on Highways. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—Now that the above question is...

Answers to Queries.

Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where...

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Culled from Contemporaries.

A Selected Collection of Extracts from the British and Foreign Press. Trunk-Protective Trucks. In Jersey City an innovation...

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Contributions from Drivers and Mechanics.

Ten Shillings Weekly for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for anything else published....

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Patents Completed.

SPARKING PLUG. — Hall. — No. 16,852, dated 11th August, 1908.—The object of this invention is to provide a plug in which the...