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Haulier Lost Lorry In Partnership Trickery
AN OPERATOR who claimed he had been "conned" out of his vehicle and licence when entering a proposed partnership with another operator appeared at disciplinary proceedings......
Stockpori By-pass
WORK on the 2.6-mile Sti port east/west by-pass, ming part of the M63, i start in June. The by-pass will run f Cheadle Heath to Portw and is designed to ( congestion on routes......
Competitors' Course
THE BRITISH Institute of Management has produced two checklists to help managers sell their company's services as I of its Strategy, performance and utilisation of resources c......
Your Hosts In Hambur
TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler is to visit Hambun Monday to see the British National Day at the internati transport exhibition IVA '79. Mr Fowler will tour the British stand......