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Hauliers Should Charge Or Empty Pallets'
CRITICISM of the number of istomers who expect empty illets to be returned withit transport charges has ime from the long-distance itional functional cornittee of the RHA. The......
First Fines For Route Infringement
FOLLOWING the recent application of orders banning vehicles of over 3 tons ulw from through-use of three roads in North Westmorland, the first drivers have appeared before Shap......
Heavies More Resistance
MR FRED MULLEY, the Transport Minister, told MPs last week that he would continue to resist strenuously the EEC proposals for heavier lorry weights. He said that the enforcement......
Groupage To Lisbon
A NEW groupage service to Lisbon has been introduced by the Bradford-based company Transflash Units. The service will be operating on a weekly basis using 10.7 m (35ft)......
T. J. E. Price (md, T. J. E. Price (Cardiff) Ltd) has been elected chairman of the South Wales maintenance committee for goods vehicles; John Vickers (transport engineer, Royal......
.doy Entnes Up
knd champions back 'TER 16 regional contests, tries to the CM Lorry Driver the Year Competition show increase of 7 per cent on 173. Lloyd Richards, from iglish China Clay's......