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Pickfords Get B Licence . For Tackle Vehicle
rLAIMING that it was essential to have their tackle vehicles on B licence because they could not carry their own equipment on an A-licence vehicle, B.R.S. (Pickfords), Ltd.,......
4,000 R.p.m. Engines By Perkins: . L'uture Requirements...
I Ltd., embrace the testing of engines at speeds in excess of 4,000 r.p.m. Engine testing is now performed by the company at their Eastlield factory, and covers about 12,000......
Olympics For I.o.s.
L'IFTEEN Leyland-M.C.W. Olympic I 44-seat buses are to be added to the fleet of Jamaica Omnibus Services, Ltd. They will be 35 ft. long and have Pneumo-Cyclic transmission.......
B.r.s. Lose £750,000 Coal Traffic C Oal Traffic By Rail For
the Co-opera five Wholesale Society, Ltd., Manchester, had dropped by £750,000 in the past few years, Mr. J. H. E. Randolph, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, was told last......
D.b. Two-speed Unit For Integral Mounting
A N epicyclie two-speed unit which can be built 'into and mounted integrally with the makers' five-speed gearbox, has been introduced by David Brown Industries, Ltd. It is......
Buffalo On Australian Trials Dowered By A Leyland 230 B.h.p.
six-cylinder - et] engine, a Leyland Buffalo six-wheeler is to be sent to Australia for trials and demonstrations similar to those made with Buffalo models shipped to Central......
Skegness Excursions. In June Granted
D ESPITE opposition from British Raffways, Skegness excursion licences held by Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., and the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., were renewed by the......
Serck Reshuffle
THERE; has been a rearrangement I within the Serck organization. The parent company is now known as Serck, Ltd., and a new subsidiary companySerck Radiators, Ltd.— will produce......