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by Juliet Parish • Unlicensed "cowboy" hauliers could have their trucks impounded under proposals about to be recommended by a government working party. The Department of......
Ad On The Agenda
T ranspor t solicitor Stephen Kirkbright (right) is urging Traffic Commissioners to exercise tighter finance requirements on new 0 licence applicants to drive out "phoenix"......
Tgwu Teams Up With The Urtu
• The two main transport unions have agreed to work together following successful cooperation in some regions on hire and reward pay talks. John Moore, the Transport & General......
Union Slams Nft 'bullies'
• NFT Distribution has :_)en accused of "bully-boy" tactics for bringing in agency staff to get round its drivers' rejection of a new national agreement. The United Road......
Tanker Tests
• Petrol tankers could fa quarterly inspection test European Community transport ministers adop proposed Directive contri ling the emission of Volai Organic Compounds dur......