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The Price Of Passing Exams
MY HUSBAND, after reading the article in CM (August 31, 1979) entitled - Hard Study Needed for CPC'', decided to make the necessary inquiries before attempting the exams......
Atomic Diesel Engines
IT HAS COME to my notice that a number of transport managers (private and public) are adding water or steam to diesel engines. As a former advisor to the British Government on......
Democracy: So What's New?
I REFER to your editorial on the silent majority (CM February 23). To up-date you somewhat I should point out that our percentage of membership, within the commercial vehicle......
Not All White Collars Are Blac
I was very interested to re the article by Brian Chalme Hunt "Transport 'Cuts' Sa Rates" (CM, January 5). I do r know whether the author l worked in local government, k much of......
Lord Thomas Out On A Wing
HAVING READ your piece the late Lord Thomas (Birds e view, February 23) I feel y should have mentioned k autobiography Out on.a Wing book I'm sure your reade would thoroughly......