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Headlight Flashing Defended
THE FLASHING of headlights by lorry drivers—frowned on by the MoT—was defended in the Commons last week. This was a common practice between drivers of large lorries to enable......
Night Deliveries: A New Initiative
THE FORECAST of Ministerial support for a move to encourage night deliveries to High Street shops (COMMERCIAL MOTOR, June 30) has been confirmed with the announcement of a......
'wait-for-it' Session At Trta Conference
A NOVEL feature of the Traders Road Transport Association 1967 National Conference (Imperial Hotel, Blackpool, October 11 to 13) will be a special session for which a variety of......
. . . And Northern Repeat For Braking, Plating Day
AT THE REQUEST of members, TRTA is repeating its one-day conference on braking, plating and testing, but this time at Belle Vue, Manchester, on November 29. It will also include......
I Back To Spain. .. Empty
by Carolyn Hyams PP \ SCUAL HERMANOS SRC, of Valencia, has inaugurated a weekly road deilvery service between Spain and the UK for the delivery of out - of - season fruit and......