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21st July 1967, Page 20
21st July 1967
Page 20
Page 20, 21st July 1967

Headlight Flashing Defended

THE FLASHING of headlights by lorry drivers—frowned on by the MoT—was defended in the Commons last week. This was a common practice between drivers of large lorries to enable......

Night Deliveries: A New Initiative

THE FORECAST of Ministerial support for a move to encourage night deliveries to High Street shops (COMMERCIAL MOTOR, June 30) has been confirmed with the announcement of a......

'wait-for-it' Session At Trta Conference

A NOVEL feature of the Traders Road Transport Association 1967 National Conference (Imperial Hotel, Blackpool, October 11 to 13) will be a special session for which a variety of......

. . . And Northern Repeat For Braking, Plating Day

AT THE REQUEST of members, TRTA is repeating its one-day conference on braking, plating and testing, but this time at Belle Vue, Manchester, on November 29. It will also include......

I Back To Spain. .. Empty

by Carolyn Hyams PP \ SCUAL HERMANOS SRC, of Valencia, has inaugurated a weekly road deilvery service between Spain and the UK for the delivery of out - of - season fruit and......