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Big "fantail" Deputation
MORTH-WESTERN Area operators I liof extended tours made a deputation to Lancashire and Cheshire Members of Parliament in the House of Commons on. TueSday night The spokesmen......
Railway Loses Appeal On Fares
T HE group of appeals by the L.N.E. Railway Cp., against the decisions of the Northern and Metropolitan Traffic Commissioners in connection with the grant of variations of......
Is Profit Remuneration?
L EGAL interpretation of the word "remuneration," as used in the provision of the Road Traffic Act, 1934, that the organizer of a contract-carriage trip must not receive "......
Does Profit Disprove Rate-cutting?
'WHEN Messrs. W. Matthews and VI' Son, Lee Mill, applied for the renewal of a B licence and the addition of a vehicle on a hiring allowance, the Western Licensing. Authority,......