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Witness Could Not Be Traced
D EFERENCE to a previous conviction IN. at Liverpool in October for similar offences was made at Thames Ma g istrates Court, London, last Friday, when Raffaelo Solferino, of......
Tippers And A Road Sweeper For Hull Haulier
THREE additional tippers on A licence L were granteti to Sayers Haula g e (Hull), Ltd., by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Major F. S. Eastwood, at Bridlington last week,......
Seat-operated Ignition Switch
A CONVERSION has been effected on vans in the delivery fleet of the Carnation Co., Los Angeles, U.S.A., whereby the engine ignition is automatically switched off whenever the......
Municipal Opportunities
Birkenhead Transport Committee are to invite tenders for the supply of 15 27-ft, double-deck omnibus chassis and bodies for delivery in 1962. Scarborough Water Committee have......