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Operations Director Joins Hanson Transport
HANSON Transport, the familyowned Huddersfield business which shares directors with Lord Hanson's Hanson Trust, has made Rod Burns its operations director. He joins the company......
Bet's Directors
UNITED Transport, the British Electronic Traction group's British and European transport holding company, has elected three of its senior executives to the board. They are......
Ldoy Personalities
TWO PERSONALITIES closely connected with the Lorry Driver of the Year finals have died. Gerry Aston, who was reelected LDoY president only a month ago, died suddenly on April 8,......
Kerry Spencer To Move To Yorkshire
CHANGES at the Road Haulage Association's head office this year include the transfer of a senior officer to a regional office. Kerry Spencer, the executive officer who acts as......
Baggott Retires
HAROLD BAGGOTT, executive chairman of Leisuremaster, the Tricentrol group coaching company which includes Tourmaster of Dunstable, has retired. He entered the coach industry in......