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Primrose Blossoms With New Ideas
'RI MROSE has .nnouneed four surprise xhibits for Earls Court. First, it has launched a QS egmental production kit vhich is designed to bring rerigerated bodybuilding vithin the......
Leyland Van Prices
THE PRICES for Leyland's new light van range (full description page 83) have now been innounced and are as Follows: 185 van: 1622ce petrol, E1,375; 1798cc diesel, Z1652. I15......
Tie Life
NETEEN out of Fife Fire igade's 29 appliances are er their useful life of 15 ars, warns Firemaster 3nk Partington in his nuel report to the area joint mmittee.......
York To Replace Suspect Big D's
TO AVOID the possibility of failure in a component used in a batch of its Big D fifth wheel couplers, York Trailer Company is replacing 3,000 complete couplers, free of charge......