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Down Plating Down
HE GOVERNMENT has successfully resisted an Opposition atmipt to introduce downplating into the Transport Bill, but Junior ransport Minister Kenneth Clarke admitted there was......
Capital Scheme
FLEXIBLE scheme aimed at elping local authorities wercome current restrictions in veir capital expenditure budats is to be launched by ShelDice and Drewry. Called Fleetplan, the......
Axle Weigh
FURTHER five dynamic axle leighers will be brought into peration this month, and five tore before the end of the year, ;cording to transport secretary orman Fowler. The......
Man-vw Sacks Nine
MAN-VW has made nine of its 157 British employees redundant in response to the recession. Marketing services manager Mike Heathwise told CM that the redundancies affect all......
Emotive Armitage
CRITICISMS of the Armitage F port have been based on err live speculation regarding Ioi sizes, road damage and brid strengthening rather than any considered view of t facts.......