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2nd October 1913
2nd October 1913
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Page 1, 2nd October 1913

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Officially Recognized by The Commercial Motor Users Association. The Authority on all forms of Motor Transport. Largest...

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At the Sheffield Town Hall, last week, the Lord Mayor,

Aid. S. Osborn, took the chair at the annual conference of the Municipal Tramways Association. The new president of this...

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Are Some Tractors Too Powerful?

Since the passing of the Motor Car Acts, of 1896 and 1903, and the corning-into-force of the Heavy Motor Car Order, of 1904,...

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Middlesex Roads.

Low Road Rates and Increased Rateable Value : Expenditure on Main Roads should be £120,000 a Year to Equal that of 1889-1890....

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The Fuller Block Storage Battery.

An Accumulator Having Remarkable Recuperative Powers and Which is Undamaged by Short Circuits. The inherent weaknesses of many...

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In Public Service.

Coventry City Council will pay £4434 for its six Daimler nidtorbuses. Mr. F. Massey Burnside has been appointed manager of the...

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One Hears

That coal is costing £3 13s. a ton in Dublin already. That he is a wise striker who knows his own tradeunion. That there was...

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News and Comment.

A concise index to volume 11 of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR is now ready. Copies can be had on apnlication to the publisher, Temple...

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Britain's Motor Manceu.vres.

TRING, Wednesday, -.4th Sept: In my last communication I told of my decision to follow the fortunes of the cavalry transport...

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That is the operation as we have witnessed it several

times during the present manceuvres. It has been carried out with precision and an absence Of fuss that does great credit to...

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Back in Camp at - 2 a.m.

Eventually, of course, things did unravel themselves, principally through the remarkable efforts of the mechanical transport....

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Motor Searchlights With the French Army.

Remarkable Results Achieved in the Manceuvres.—Cancellation of Orders for Horsed Plant. While the main manceuvres, with three...

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The Purchase Department.

Street, London, S.W. As shown in the drawing there are no thumbscrews or springs utilized in its construction ; it is made out...

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Eom Drivers &Mechanics Light Up Your , Lamps At — 6.37

on Thursday ; 6.34 on Friday ; 6.32 on Saturday 6.27 on Monday ; 6.24 on Tuesday ; 6.22 on Wednesday next. Lining Up Road...

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Patents Completed.

Firm of A. SAURER and H. M. MAYER, No. 143, dated 2nd January, 1913.—According to this invention means are provided for...