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B RITISH road transport oil engines, their injection pumps, and the maintenance of both, also of the injectors, must be in the...
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L■OR about 15 years, manufacturers andopera- 1 1 tors have been pressing the Minister of Transport to authorize the...
Red Petrol Found in WHEN the Minister of Fuel Car's Secret Second " was explaining to us the Tank steps tobe taken against the...
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• That son - le clubs have boring bars. That commercial vehicles are not yet being bought on •" frog" currency. That the new...
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HE Road Transport Executive's three-man working party, set up to deal with the north-eastern area road passenger Lansport...
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, a D IFFICILJLTY in obtaining new 1--"drivers was one of the reasons why there had been contraventions of Section 19 of the...
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MR. H. WARING has just completed 50 years with Leyland Motors, Ltd. MR. LEONARD TRIGG has been appointed' sales manager of...
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OPERATORS HINDERING BUS PRODUCTION? is bus. production being impeded by 'operators' insistence on variations in design to suit...
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T AST week Mr. V. W. Pilkington, " M B.E M.I.Mech.E., director of engineering, Leyland Motors, Ltd., gave a lecture in London...
A Mile a Day QECONDARY roads can be made at 1.-- 1 the rate of a mile-a day with one machine at a single pass. claims the...
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rOMPLETE conversion of the Cardiff tram system 'to motorbus a . nd trolleYbus working depends not so much on the transport...
A GREAT feat in cartography has been achieved by the London Transport Executive in the design of a new map that shows the whale...
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says K. Firth Butterfield, Who Thinks That Many Operators Will Regret NO Having Negotiated Voluntary Acquisitions With the ET...
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By A. J. HIRST, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. HE development of vehicle-engine mounting on sound engineering lines starts from an...
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CI A NEW design of heavy tipping gear is now 'being produced at ihe Carley factory for use with vehicles carrying loads up to...
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A FTER reading the altogether-admirable leading article in your issue of January 14, I hope you will allow me to withdraw any...
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By The Technical Editors A 114 . 1-10LIGII, as "The Comniercial Motor explained last :Week in describing the British exhibits...
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Super Beaver's Attractions, Strenuous Tests Over Rough Surfaces• Failed to Show Weaknesses W , HEN taking over for test the...
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" Q.S." ON .THE TRANSPORT ACT I N an attempt to explain to the opera tor, in simple 'language, that part Of the Transport Act,...
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But Production Still Falls Far Short of Demands T HE British Commonwealth is the world's second largest . user . of oil...
Little U.S. Oil Expected in Europe After 1950 I T is expected that by 1951 the United States will virtually disappear as a...
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LTHOUGH not so much in the A as the major • factoring industries,' lime production is essential in many ways to our daily...
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CLERICAL COSTS I ] • ST week I dealt with establishment costs in a most eleme ntary way and from the viewpoint of the...
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p ATENT No. 608,402 discloses the latest proposals in the design of road-sweeping vehicles. The patentees are Lewin Road...