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0 N ANOTHER page in this issue there is published a critical article on steam road haulage on the Western Front, in which the...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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F OR the lubrication of certain working parts of heavy motor vehicles, it is almost universal to use the familiar grease. As a...
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By . an American Correspondent. D UE, doubtless, to the enhanced price of petrol ; possibly, also, to the recognition of the...
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Comments on the Behaviour of Various Types of Steam Wagons Under Severe Conditions on the Western Front. S TEAM VEHICLES have...
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The New Trolley-Wire Bogey. Railway Current for Road Users? The Great Light Van Question. I AM NOT one of those egotistical...
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PIT WOOD INDUSTRY. Detailed Costs of Operating Steam and Petro he War-developed Home-grown Timber Trade. E ALL know full well...
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Since the Armistice, Italy's transportation problem has been acute. Instead of the Armistice bringing relief, it only added to...
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The Part They Play in the Reduction of Road and Vehicle Vibration. T • HE ILLUSTRATIONS on the next page depict a 2-ton Seiden...
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A T THE FIRST glance, the natural beauties of i scenery or the more artificial beauties of . buildings, avenues and parks...
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No. 2.—Industrial Research. S OME OF my readers have probably noticed the announcement to the effect that there is to be...
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A Light Van in Town : Contracting with an Agrimotot I T MUST NOT be poncluded that there is no opportunity for the working of...
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Attention for Tractors. Chain-track Tractor Conversion Unit. One of the principal objections which are raised by farmers to...
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A PIZIZE OF TEN SIAILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter whichWe publish on this page ; all others are...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A novel type of gas producer for use on motor vehicles is described in a...