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17th September 1937
17th September 1937
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Page 1, 17th September 1937

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Penalties for Road Offences

T HE incidence of punishments for road offences is often far too severe in respect of the drivers of commercial vehicles....

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Engine Type Wasting Space and Weight

O NE of our recollections of the Commercial Motor Show of 1935 is that it marked the beginning of the end of the scramble for...

Passing Comments

Smoking as an Aid to SMOKING in factories is not Greater Efficiency in unique, but it is a conces Prod uction . . . sion which...

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EWS of the WEEK

SCOTS GROCERS URGE HOURS VARIATION. 'The necessity of some modification of the regulations relating to drivers of tradesmen's...

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A LTHOUGH the bulk of the .1 - business is in the hands of specialists, many hauliers have an occasional...

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" Playing With Fire " in Licensing

A T the Old Bailey on Wednesday, four men were accused of conspiring to effect the unlawful use of public carriers' licences,...

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London Boroughs Like Containers

Pagefield Phcenix Combined Container and General-purpose Refuse Collectors Working Satisfactorily in Four Boroughs in London A...

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Tribunal Explains Miller Ruling

R EASONS for allowing the appeal by Miller and Co. (Liverpool and London), Ltd., have now been given by the Appeal Tribunal....

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Criticism of the Schedules of Rates for Furniture Removing Published in the Previous Issue N OW I must criticize the method of...

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The more substantial type of pantechnicon based on a fairly

heavy 5-6-ton chassis still has its adherents, especially among operators who customarily travel long distances. The old type...

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New Fordson Forward control 3-tonner

Big Loading Space and Luxurious Cab Features of 1431-in. Wheelbase Lorry of New Design. V-8 or Four-cylindered Power Unit...

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What Does the Porthcawl Conference Mean to road transport?

By F. G. BRISTOW, C.B.E., M.Inst.T. General Secretary to the Commercial Motor Users Association and Honorary Secretary of the...

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I N the commercial-motor world the name Leyland is symbolic of

all that is best in vehicle production, and of the range of machines produced by Leyland Motors, Ltd., there can be no more...

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Why Not Use a Limited Trade Licence?

Considerable Economies to be Achieved by Taking Advantage of a Valuable Concession you use a limited trade licence?" This...

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What the Associations Are Doing

NO CONFERENCE ON TAMAR BRIDGE PLAN. The Minister of Transport has refused to convene a conference of highways authorities and...

Big Entry for Manchester Parade F IRST held last autumn, the

vehicle parade organized by the C.M.U.A. Manchester Area took a step right into the ranks of successful events. This year, with...

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' T IMBER from Russia, Norway . , I Sweden, Canada and the United States finds its way to the Surrey Docks on the Thames....

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and UERIES SPEED AND WEIGHT ANOMALIES. [5141] Looking at some issues of The Commercial Motor on my return from holiday, I...

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A Licensing Regulation that Helps !

How the Provision for Temporary Licences has Assisted a Small Operator in Reorganizing his Maintenance System 1 HAVE taken...

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The Opel 3-ton Lorry Arrives

Six -cylinder O. H. V. Engine with Downdraught Carburetter; Harmonic Balancer on Crankshaft. T HE Opel S-ton lorry, which...

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July Registrations Follow June's Lead

Total of New Vehicles Licensed Higher, Although Lorries and Buses Fewer H OPES engendered by the brighter tone of new...

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Three Councils Urged to Combine Forces

I N Manchester, last week, Mr. W. Chamberlain, chairman of the NorthWestern Traffic Commissioners, took the unusoal course of...

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O NE or 7wo reports of municipal transport operation for the past year are still outstanding, among them being those of Dundee...

Eight Appeal Grounds in Fish Case G ROUNDS of appeal by

Mr. Charles Alexander, the Aberdeen fish haulier, have now been made known. As already reported in The Commercial Motor, the...

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Financial News of the Industry

NEW COMPANIES. S.E.S. (Repairs), Ltd.-Erivato company. Reg. Sept. 6. Cap. £10,000 in £1 shares. Repairer and rebuildor of...

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A Multi-axle Springing System

A SUSPENSION design, which is claimed to eliminate pitching and generally to improve smoothness of riding, forms the subject of...