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W E ARE, ALL or us, becoming adept at rapid refocussing of our vision as the outlook alters. Russia goes out and we adjust...
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That many a, crankcase is disguised as a silk hat. That a safety second would prevent many a smash. Of a possible...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The Need for a Civilian Road Transport Board with I Considerable Powers. I T IS KNOWN that official consideration had,...
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the Job to the Part by Means of an Assembly Conveyer, as Practised by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. UANTITY PRODUCTION,...
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Details of the Light 15-cwt. Class AA and 5-ton Class B Military. Vehicles. I N OUR LAST ISSUE we drew attention to the...
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Its Effects in Connection with Tractor Design. T HE FOLLOWING article presupposes an elementary knowledge of simple leverage...
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Putting " Egberts " and "Old Bills" Through Their Paces. U PON the occasion of his recent visit to the Provinces, Sir William...
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The Value of Official Recommendation. Graded Fittings for Spare Parts. . M OST OF U - S HAVE noticed, on main high roads, the...
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Some Timely Hints and Wrinkles. Flexible Gas-holder Design. An inventor, B,. Blakoe, describes several methods of flexible...
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By "The Extractor." Exit "G.A.S." it suffered much • in the R.F.A. He related with great humour his , ment that announcement...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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, A Wyles One-way Plough. Art, Albert Wy/es, in Specification No. 112,674, describes what would appear-to be a himple but...