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13th February 1908
13th February 1908
Page 1
Page 1, 13th February 1908

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The Commercial Use of Highways.

The major portion of Mr. I--Toward Humphreys' paper before the Society of Road Traction Engineers will be found in is issue...

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New Fire-brigade Appliances.

A German Daimler First-Aid Vehicle. In recent issues we have given some details of fire-brigade apparatus constructed in this...

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A Low-Voltage Magnetic Clutch.

Ravenshaw, Middleton and Townsend's Successful Application of a Little-known Principle. From time to time attempts have been...

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Motorcabs in New York,

. Now that the tide of private custom has ebbed away, American manufacturers have turned to a new field of enterprise which...

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The Motor Omnibus World.

The new services of the Great Eastern London Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., in the _East End are being conducted very largely with...

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-Motor Omnibus World—con.

Creditors. of the British Motor Bus Trust, Ltd., are required to send particulars of their claims to the liquidators, care of...

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News and Comment.

This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches ; it has the largest and best...

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Out and Home.

The Sunbeam Motor Company had entered a lorry for the forthcoming show, but has reluctantly withdrawn it, as it is not ready....

Motors for the Burmese Postal Service.

The use of the motor vehicle is rapidly being extended into the uttermost parts of the earth, and the accompanying illus...

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Whiteley s Adopts Motorvan Delivery.

A Further 12 Lacre Vans as the Nucleus of a Large Fleet for the Universal Provider. We are much gratified to be able to record...

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Ventilation at Olympia. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—At the dose of the motor show, held at Olympia in November...

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The Commercial Use of Highways.*

By H. Howard Humphreys, A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. When you did me the honour of asking me to read a paper before your...

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The Motor Drivers News.

A Motor Drivers Society. The honorary secretary of the " Association of Amalgamated Motor Drivers," formerly the " Amalgamated...

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Patents Completed.

TWO-CYCLE ENGINE,--Thomson.— No. 19,663, dated 3rd September, 1907.— This invention consists of two working cylinder (A, Al),...