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10th June 1960
10th June 1960
Page 1
Page 1, 10th June 1960

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Comfort Safety

., . T HIS year marks a notable step in the progress of the Lorry . Driver-, ' of the Year Competition. Three additional...

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When We Were Very Young

I N any industry the formative period is one which is regarded with the greatest affection. For many Midlanders Torn...

Herber Tithes Ellis

W HY are public cleansing officers so dedicated to their vocation? What is it about refuse that engenders so much enthusiasm?...

Page 38

Mr. Muir Revokes Licence After Warning Operators

A HAULAGE company who disregarded a normal user on an A licence, and ignored a warning from the Licensing Authority to carry...

Two Years Jail for Bradford Haulier

A BRADFORD haulage contractor ri who had pleaded guilty to four charges of obtaining credit by fraud and one of obtaining...

Page 39

Wisdom of Raising Fares Doubted: Charges Increased in Many Areas

D OUBTS about the wisdom Of increasing fares in the face of diminishing passenger traffic were voiced at a meeting of...

Used Lorry Before Licence Obtained

A MAN who admitted using a new lorry in his haulage business before he applied for a carrier's licence, was warned by Mr. J. A....

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Four Vehicles Run Since Refusal of A Licence: Hauliers "Frightened"

S INCE British Road Services applied unsuccessfully for an A licence for six articulated vehicles, to be based at Barnstaple...

Men in the News

MR. A. H. THomPsotv has resigned his directorship of W. P. Butterfield, Ltd. MR. D. MILLS has retired from the board of the...

Page 41

Crippling Bans May Follow Judge's Findings on Birmingham Proposal

W IDESPREAD trade-crippling • bans on waiting vehicles in city streets may be triggered off by the publication, in Birmingham...

Unauthorized Operation Protected

L ACK of enforcement of the law has given protection to unauthorized operation at the expense of licensed operators, it is...

70 Chieftain Chassis For Malaya

A CONTRACT has been placed by the t public works department of Malaya for 70 Albion _Chieftain CH3AT tipper chassis. The...

Page 42

Milk Board Criticized Over Issue of Contracts Without Publicity

THE Milk Marketing Board were criticized by Mr. L. H. Shelton, of the Eastern Traffic Area, acting for the North Western Deputy...

No Licence Especially for Indians

A N application, for a li-ton vehicle on B licence, restricted to the carriage of goods for members of the Indian and Pakistani...

Micrograms . . .

More Zlotys: Increased investment in transport in Poland is proposed in a five-year plan to be started next year. Swansea...

Page 43

B.R.S. Taste Their Own Medicine : Close Questioning by Objectors

FROM OUR OWN REPRESENTATIVE W ITNESSE,S supporting an application by British Road Services before Mr. Idris Owen, South Wales...

More Vehicles for Meat Haulage

T WO out of four additional vehicles on A licence sought by McDonald's Transport, Broadsea Road, Fraserburgh, were granted in a...

Page 44

"Invoke Act to Prevent Customer from Cutting Rates" Mr. Hanlon

FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT M R. J. A. T. HANLON, Northern Licensing Authority, suggested at Newcastle upon Tyne, last Friday,...

Newcomer Gets Express Licence to Bognor

JEWCOMERS to express operation, 111 Chapel End Coaches, Ltd., Nuneaton, were granted a licence to operate from Nuneatonto a new...

New Transport

Companies Wirksworth Road 'Transport, Ltd. Cap. £4,000. Dirs.: C. F. Webster and MN. C. R. Webster, 13ouisham, Summer Lane,...

Page 49

Transfer to A Licences Completed

'THE final sta g e of transfer from I special-A to A licences held by McKelvie arid Co. (B.M. and P.), Ltd., Barrhead, was...

South Wales Transporter Case Fails

A LTHOUGH there were no car trans1-71 porters in South Wales. an application by a newcomer, Mr. B. E. Patterson, for an A...

No Further Action By Mr. Hanlon

N O further action was taken by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensin g Authority, at the resu m ed hearing of an in q uiry,...


BUT GRANT MADE QEVER AL licensin g offences were admitted, at Glas g ow last week, when Arneil Car Transporters, Ltd.,...

Warned Not to Sign Blank Forms

A HAULIER, who can neither read dTh nor write to any g reat extent, was warned by Mr. D. I. R. Muir, Metropolitan Licensin g...

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No Prosecutions• After Issue of Tickets

Late Changes to Road Traffic Bill Made by Government : Misgivings Allayed FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT I AST-MINUTE...

"Both Sides Must Strive Together"

CZ T HERE is an urgent necessity for employers and employees to get together and to strive wholeheartedly for greater...

Page 51

Two Vehicles Allowed to Carry Scrap

VARIATIONS to B-licence conditions, V to include " g eneral scrap," for two vehicles of 7f tons, were g ranted to Mr. Joseph...


THREE A.E.C. Monarch Mk. VI I trucks bound for Northern Province Roadways, Ltd., Arusha, Tan g anyika, have been shipped from...


A ROAD convoy carrying 650 scientific instruments worth £250,000 was due to arrive in Moscow on Wednesday after a nine-day...


A NEW plant for the manufacture of g lass-fibre and artrite resins by Glass Yarns and Deeside Fabrics, Ltd., at Camberley,...

Four More Tippers Sought: One Granted

O NLY one of the four tippers which J. Lee (Haula g e), Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, sou g ht to have added to their A licence...

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Bulk Refuse Vehicles to Combat Shortage of Labour

By P. A. C. Brockington, A GREATER proportion of Coventry's population of 281,000 is believed to be employed in factories than...

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Lockable Drawbar for Independent Trailer

rA A NOVEL form of drawbar assembly has been developed for use with independent trailers by Carrimore Six Wheelers. Ltd.,...

Siddie C. Cook Succeed in Gaining New "Artic"

A N application, by Siddle C. Cook, Ltd., Consett, to substitute a new articulated vehicle of 131 tons for a vehicle of similar...

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THREAT to PUBLIC HEALTH By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. A LTHOUGH partisan interests have not been mute about the effect of...

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By Anthony Ellis W HY has the battery-electric vehicle been neglected so long for house-to-house refuse cellection? Apart from...

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Atlas Ambulance mooth and Nimble

By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. B ECAUSE of its vice-free suspension, the Standard Atlas 10-12cwt. van makes a good basis for an...

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£4,00 Earnings "Not Excessive"

A LTHOUGH a Vehicle which earned - 1-3 . £4,300 a year showed a good rate of employment, it was not excessive, said Mr. L. H....

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BRITISH MUN NS FOR 3 ALITIES By -Man E. Barton, . . General Manager, Birmingham Salvage Department A LL members:of a...

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Political Conuilentary By JANUS M UCH as one would like to keep up with everything that is happening, events that may be of...

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r WANT By S. J. Burn, A.M.I.R.T.E., A.M.I.T.A., A.M.A.S.E.E. I N the municipal field, as . in commercial transport...

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Quick Progress in Chinese Capital

An articulated trolleybus in Peking taking passengers to the city's zoo. The electric system is only three years old. 110...

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Councils Want Dual-purpose Ambulances

By Torn Walkerley F ACTORS which have governed the development of the ambulance in recent years have their origins in the...

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Some Ambulance Builders

Allbodies, Ltd.. Dumballs Road. Cardiff. Applcyard of Leeds, Ltd., North Street, Leeds. Avon Bodies. Ltd., Millers Road....

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A Battery-electric Bin Carrier for West Ham

t .- I A NOVEL electric street-orderly vehicle to be used in con junction with bulk-collection vehicles has been produced for...

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British Vehicles on Show in New York

T HE motor industry is well represented at the comprehensive British Exhibition which opens today at the Coliseum. New York,...

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Bulk-handling Innovation tt Portsmouth Show

D ELFGATES from cleansing authorities who have to carry refuse from city centres to distant disposal points will be interested...

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RE was a time, and not so long ago at that, when the local public library, a Victorian-Gothic edifice of gloomy splendour, was...

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Spot-welded Construction for New U.S. Army 4 x 4 Vehicle

WHAT is claimed to be the first "completely engineered military vehicle" has been produced by the American Ford Motor Co. for...

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W ITH the country now engaged in a large road-construction programme, the amount of haulage work to be done by local...

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Self-energizing Brakes QELF-SERVO brakes depend on the " coefficient of

friction; if this is high, they will lock themselves on, or if it is low, a falling-off will occur in the servo action. Patent...