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9th April 1965
9th April 1965
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Page 1, 9th April 1965

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That Budget

I N common with all businesses, road transport operators will suffer under the general taxation restrictions of Mr. Callaghan's...

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Rates Up 5 per cent

O N Wednesday the Road Haulage Association recommended members to increase road haulage rates by 5 per cent with effect from...

UNITED CARRIERS • EXPANSION nETAILS are due within the next

week if or so of further acquisitions by United Carriers Ltd. of Wellingborough. The company—which has over 150 vehicles run by...


By S. BUCKLEY, Assoc Inst T "1 THEREFORE propose a general increase of 50 per cent in all the rates on goods I vehicles and...

Subsidizing the Railways' PEAKING of the 50 per cent increase

excise taxation imposed in the Bruhn Mr. G. K. Newman, secretary-general 1 the Road Haulage Association, said Nottingham on...

Page 37

Haulage Rates Too Low, Admits Quarry Chief

BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY nIJTCH auction " specialists, the prac tice of local authorities in calling for tenders every 12 months,...

R.H.A.'s Cautious Approval of New Labour Relations Plans

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT -1-1HE proposal to set up a new negotiating system for haulage labour relations. I which was...

Page 38


nES1GN ED to have a dualpurpose character to suit the operator's particular needs, this ERF Carrimore articulated outfit...

For Multi-purpose Rural Deliveries

A RETAIL dairyman and newsagent of White Roding, Essex, Mr. T. E. Howells, has just had this modified Morris 12 built to his...

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TIR Bodens for BRFS Services

CORTY-TWO Boden 26-ft. tandem-axle TIR semi-trailers have recently been delivered to British Road Ferry Services Ltd. and one...

A 40-barrel Brewery Tanker

ARBON DIOXIDE is used to discharge the contents of this stainless steel tanker L■ (above) made by W. P. Butterfield (Engineers)...


) RIVERS of lorry-mounted cranes (in the category of light or heavy loconotivcs) are covered by section 73 of he Road Traffic...

Continental Bans on Lorry Traffic

1 - 1 A RECENT survey conducted by 1REJ shows that Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Western Germany maintain a complete...

Page 40

Good Start to '65 Heats

By Alan Havard WE YMOLITH once again this year provided the opening round of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition. By the...

Dr. Beeching May Start Liner Trains Against Union Opposition

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A s one of his last major acts before he relinquishes his job as chairman of the British...

Committed on Conspiracy Charge

REE men and a company, alleged to have conspired together to defraud Hill and Sons (Botley and Denmead) Ltd. of a sum of £15...

Page 43

Five and Six Days for Markets

'JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON' From our Industrial Correspondent T HE Industrial Court, in a "judgment of . Solomon " last week,...

AA Report 'Disturbing'

THE Minister of Transport finds " most disturbing" the Automobile Association's report showing that only about 62 per cent of...

Tory Warnings on Costs

WARNINGS that the dearer comrnerYV cal vehicle licences would result in increased costs came from Tory MPs in the Commons....

State Manufacturers' Freedom is Unlikely This Year

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT P E Government hopes to be able to lift the manufacturing restrictions from all the...

Page 44

Unions Suggest Two Solutions' to Bus Pay Inquiry

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T WO ways in which the wages of 100,000 company busmen might be determined were suggested by...

Mr. Humpidge Asks for Stronger Components

M ANY interesting points were made in questions put to a panel of CAV Ltd. executives at the company's annual conference held...

* Leeds Park al

Ride Gets off to a Slow Start Despite Meters 'THE experimental park and ride I scheme introduced by Leeds Corporation on...

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Flat-fare One-man Operation for all Sunderland Buses?

' M ODERN methods and thinking applied to bus operation will troduce more economic and efficient vorking ", says Mr. Norman...

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At the national committee of the Transport Managers' Club recently,

the following officers were included in those elected for thc ensuing year: Mr. H. T. Outfield, national president; Mr. K. B....

ITA ADMISSIONS T HE following have been admitted to the Industrial

Transport Association as ordinary members: Mr. L. V. Hanscomb (John Dale Ltd.); Mr. L. J. Keen (Belling and Lee Ltd.)....

RHS Award for Driver's Bravery

A TANKER driver, 39-year-old Mr. i""t Charles F. Hayes, was presented with a Royal Humane Society testimonial on parchment by...

Page 49

Met. Contract A Bid Contested

WHEN Adjuvil Ltd., of London, WI, 11 appeared before the Metropolitan Licensing Authority Mr. D. I. R. Muir on Tuesday, seeking...

Hants and Dorset Bid

A T a sitting in Bournemouth last week the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners reserved their decision on an application by...

Frank Mackay Appeal Rejected

T HE Transport . Tribunal rejected the appeal of Frank Mackay Ltd. at Edinburgh on Tuesday, upholding the Scottish Licensing...


THE Transport Tribunal, in Edinburgh this week, dismissed the main part and allowed re-hearing of the " delivery " part of an...

Did Not Know He Was Partner'

A FTER hearing how an applicant had for fourteen years represented that he was working in partnership with another man, and had...

Page 50

One More For Trunk Service

TURNERS (SOHAM) LTD., whose I main operations are at Fordham, Cambridge, were this week granted an additional collection and...

GRANT FOR SIX ON B A N application by H. Clayton,

Stockport, to add six vehicles to an existing B licence for one vehicle, was granted on Tuesday by the North Western deputy...

Tribunal in London l'HE Transport Tribunal is sitting in London

next week. Appeals listed for hearing are as follows:— Tuesday, April 13: J. Wharton and Sons Ltd. and others against a...

Tribunal Gives Reasons for Car Transporters Decision

A LLEGATIONS by Motor Vehicle A n Collection Ltd. that an associated company of Anglo Scottish Car Deliveries Ltd., had...

LA's Strong Warning to Bakers

DAKERS TRANSPORT (SOUTH AMPTON) LTD. were given "the strongest possible warning" against operating trailers at weights in...

Page 51

P H EAR I NG discussions with objectors at Manchester on

Monday . esulted in an easy passage for an appli=ation by Haworth Schofield Ltd., who ought a new B licence for six vehicles,...

D URING 1964 only 84 new appeals against road haulage licensing

decisions were lodged with the Transport Tribunal compared with 123 in the previous year. Of the 84, 16 were withdrawn. Of the...

Fines for Unlicensed Operating

Not Wanted in the Transport Business, says Defendant THREE men were fined a total of £107 at Romford (Essex) Magistrates'...

B-to-A Grant for 29 TRANSFER of 29 tippers from B

to -1 A licence was granted to S. Jones, f Aldridge. by the West Midland Licenng Authority in chambers last week. fter...

Page 52

Contract A Licences there should he full right of objection

BY NORMAN H.TILSLEY T HE recent spate of Contract A licence hearings in the Western Traffic Area has been followed by...

For 'Required' Read 'Requested'

r OR some time now, at protracted I intervals, a battle has been taking place before the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr....

Page 58

Technical and industrial New Fords to Russia

nNE of the most ambitious vehicle endurance runs to be carried out by a British manufacturer is due to be started by the Ford...


offered by the Institute of Transport. A CMUA Road Transport Research Fellowship, of value up to £1,000, is offered to enable a...


QEEN in an accompanying photograph is the first Minitran semi-trailer, a ne development by Highland Engineering Ltd., of...

CAV Agents Hear About (Nat: introl and Component Reliability

T HE first paper read at the CAV Ltd. annual conference held at Harrogate on Monday for agents in the northern areas was...

Page 59

Industrial Training

T HE National and Local Government Officers' Association favours three separate boards for road transport industrial training....

More Heavies, Fewer Lights in London Traffic Census

THE latest traffic census (1964), which is taken periodically by the Metropolitan and City police at various points in London...

Page 60

Air-cushion Vehicle for Exceptional Loads IN co-operation with Hovercraft

Development, the Government agency. Vickers-Armstrongs has been asked to produce a mock-up for an air-cushion vehicle which...

New Roads Depot in Dumfries nUMFRIES County Council has built

a new £50,000 roads depot at Eaglesfield to replace the Eastriggs plant. Garage space is provided for 12 lorries, two tractive...

Technical Information A HANDBOOK entitled "Setting Up r 1 .Your Company's Technical

information Service (With Thirteen Case Studies)" has been published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and...

Japanese Commercial Output Rises

L AST year Japan again produced twice as many commercial vehicles as she did passenger cars, according to the Japan Automobile...


Shrink Fits are Secure WHERE considerable nip or tightness VV is required, as when fitting a starter ring to a flywheel, the...

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and Publications Plastics Hazard Marker A PORTABLE plastics hazard marker is now being marketed by J.A.L. Plastics The...

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Good on Paper Good the Road

By A. J. P. Wilding A M I Mech E MI RTE ROAD TEST: Ford D.800 Four-wheeler T HE Ford D series has been worth waiting for. The...

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Instant Maintenance for Doal Tippers

S ITUATED at one of the highest points in Glamorgan, some three miles from Merthyr Tydfil, the South Tunnel maintenance depot...

Page 79

,„ ! ! 4• BIRD ' S

EYE By The Hawk VIEW Profit and Loss In our last week's issue caustic comment was made on the foolishness of unecomonic...

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A LMOST casually and in terms which imply that commercial operators are receiving a favour, the Minister of Transport has...

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Used Vehicles gains and losses

A ST week comment was made on some of the con siderations that have to be taken into account when deciding whether to purchase...

FROM THE POSTBAG With the issue of the official Road

Haulage Wages Council Proposals RH 81, a reader asks for the variations which have occurred over the past 10 years, Dealing...

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Examiner's Viewpoint 2. Planning to Gain Marks CAREFUL, detailed planning of each question is always the background to really...

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THE latest batch of announcements to come from companies is unanimously cheerful. For example. BARR AND WALLACE ARNOLD...