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Distribution Performance And Costs Analysed
John Darker reports the PDM conference in London THE COST BREAKDOWN figures of product distribution with various types of break-bulk depot and warehousing patterns have been......
@ugh Court Rules In Lemountable Case
REE former employees Pengco Transport tems Ltd agreed in the h Court on Friday to de by restrictions osed on them by their tracts with the company. he restrictions ban them n......
3dio-active Code
DoE has this week lished The Code of tsce for the Carriage of oactive Materials by 1 (HMSO 80p). It suppleits the Radioactive aances (Carried by Road) at Britain) Regulations, 4......
Amount Congress
first-ever congress ted to demountable 31es is being organ ized by lurce Planning Connts at the London Hilton lay 7. It will concentrate he financial and opera tional angles of......