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Jobs To Go In Lt Cash Crisis
LONDON TRANSPORT has given an early warning of an mpending £10m deficit this year. And it has told staff that :uts in staff levels must be nade in order to keep the de'kit down.......
Cibs Urges Switch To Continental Licences
A SWITCH to European road service licensing is proposed by Britain's leading independent bus and coach operators as an alternative to Transport Minister Norman Fowler's own......
Whisky And Water Awheel
LOTHIAN Region Transport is to run two new coach tours from Waverly Bridge in the winter season to take passengers to see the road and rail bridges at South Queensferry. One......
Sbg Seeks Third Rise
THE SCOTTISH Bus Group can expect fierce opposition to its plans to raise fares for the third time this year. The group's plea to increase fares will be heard by the Traffic......