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"extend Partnership Between Free Enterprise And State"
A PLEA for an extension of the principle of partnership in road passenger transport between private enterprise and the State was made by Mr J, S. Wills, chairman of B.E.T.......
Mr. Dawson's Bid Confirmed
I T was confirmed to The Commercial Motor on Tuesday that Mr. George Dawson, the financier, has bid for the whole of the parcels section of British Road Services. The matter is......
I.b.c.a.m. Competition Prizewinners
N AMES of prizewinners in the 1954 drawing and handicraft competition have been announced by the Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers. The first prize for......
Band 3 Committee Set Up A Committee Is To Be
set up by the Z - 1 Postmaster General representing the G.P.O., the Ministry of Transport. the Mobile Radio Users' Association and other interests, to consider various problems......
26,656 More C Vehicles I N The Year Ended March
last, 26,656 more C-licence vehicles were introduced and the number of C-licensees rose by 14,432. There were 872,020 C-licence vehicles, compared with 845,364 a year earlier,......