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Big Pay Claim From Lt Busmen
• Only four months since London busmen received a £2 a week wage increase a fresh claim has been submitted on behalf of crews which, if granted in full, will cost the Executive......
Slow Response To Bulk Passes
• A plan introduced by the West Midland PTE for firms to buy quarterly bus passes in bulk for their workers has met with a very slow response. And depressed economic conditions......
Glasgow Agreement On Late Night Hooligans
• Glasgow Corporation Transport and bus crews in the city have resolved their differences on protection for crews from rowdies on night buses. A special meeting was called last......
Double Subsidy
• Local authorities in the Hexham area of Northumberland, along with Northumberland county council, ar,. considering raising their subsidy to Tyne Valley Coaches Ltd. from £4800......
Did Pregnancy Lead To O-m-o Buses?
• "When one of Alexander's conductresses became pregnant the situation undoubtedly suited the company very well," an Industrial Tribunal said on August 18. "They sacked the......