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Myer Fired After )utting His Back Out
DRIVER who injured his back at work and became incapable performing work of the kind he was employed to do was not fairly dismissed. Manchester Industrial ibunal turned down an......
'ory Promises On Way
IE GOVERNMENT hopes to roduce during this session Parliament some of the legttion needed to reform the affic Licensing system, as Dmised in the Tory .nifesto. Transport Minister......
Lestair Loss— Not Bad
[STAIR CHAIRMAN David Hargreaves told CM this week Lt the special vehicles division (Hestair Dennis and Hestair ee) lost £988,000 last year, and not £21.5m as we reported last......
Berger's Wins Livery
REPRESENTATIVES of Berg Paints were present in Londo last week to receive th Commercial Motor Liver Competition class award. Berger's entry (see la! week's CM) was the winner......