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22nd April 1966, Page 65
22nd April 1966
Page 65
Page 65, 22nd April 1966

Move Over, Gentlemen

T MUST say that the women who are movin g into hi g h places in the transport world seem q uite capable of standin g on their own feet, and not fearful of treadin g on other......

Four Generations

E news, recorded elsewhere in this issue, that D. R. Cane is retiring as chief en g ineer of Hebble Motor Services in June, marks the end. of a family association with the bus......

Making Very Good

T AM intri g ued to learn that an Aberdeen man who has built up a 1 200-vehicle haula g e fleet in 20 years in Central Africa has just been castin g around in his native bur g h......

Good Business—poor Meetings

O VERHEARD at a recent RHA function. Area secretary commented: "Attendance at meetin g s is poor these days because business is g ood. We'll be packed out when trade slackens......

Another Hanson Link

N OTHER link in the Hanson family's transport interests, which be g an in the days of sta g e coaches and flourished to an extensive road haula g e fleet based in Huddersfield,......

The All - Seeing Eye I T Seems To Me 'that The Information

service of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, which has been extended in scope this week, could well be re g arded as the eyes and ears of the haula g e industry so far as the......