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21st April 1967, Page 54
21st April 1967
Page 54
Page 54, 21st April 1967

Revolutionary Seal

M ANY attempts have been made at positively sealing rotating shafts without oil seepage, and a revolutionary design of oil seal from Super Oil Seals and Gaskets Ltd. claims to......

'stork' Range Addition

DD ED to their ranges of hand-drills, arron Machines Ltd, is a double'n sulated-percussion drill. The "Super Stork" P.C. 14 has a knurled ring on the chuck regulated to suit the......

Magnesium Dockboards

M AGNESIUM dockboards offer many advanta g es in lorry loadin g from depot platforms because of their high stren g th/ weight ratio. Widely used in North America, similar......

King-pin Lock

vOR immobilizing a trailer when parked S. Norrish Ltd. have introduced a kin g -pin lock. The "Norisk" lock comprises a yoke of Nin. by a in. steel, casehardened to a depth of......

Belco Polyester Stopper

ICI paints division has developed a new two-pack polyester stopper (P551-1042) for use in refinish paint shops. It is packed in a 4 lb. container with a tube of activator......

Positive-displacement Blowers Portable Steam Cleaner

M ARKETED as the Wedgo G.65 by W. C. Youn g man Ltd. is a portable steam cleaning unit which produces hi g hpressure steam from a cold start in less than a minute. The equipment......

Alkaline Remover

TENOLITE LTD. has introduced an eightmember range of li q uid alkaline solutions for use by hot immersion, which it claims are variously capable of removing greases and 'oils;......

Fork-lift Handbook

AN operator's handbook for safe working of fork-lift trucks has been published by Lansin g Bagnall Ltd. It describes fully the safe workin g practices of battery-operated......