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Small Man's Offer To Ribble Co.
po IVALRY between the small man and the big combine came up in a new light at an Armistice Day sitting of the North Western Traffic Commissioners. Mr. Isaac Bleazard, of......
Recording Bus Movements
E 1 XPERIMENTAL recording of the I.L.Amovements of buses on ° dials at headquarters will, within a few weeks, be commenced by London Transport. Vehicles will be equipped with a......
Minor Fares Adjustments Upset Schedule C Omplications...
adjustments on a main bus route had an echo in an appeal by the L.N.E. Railway Co., which was heard at Leeds, on Monday. The railway company appealed against a decision of the......
Electro-matic Control For Piccadilly
L AST Monday the Minister of Transportport put into operation a new Electro-matic traffic-control system for Piccadilly Circus and its vicinity. Before doing so the Minister......