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• Transfleet Mack/hammiluhall Transfleet's Contract...
following changes:— Tony Mack, who joined the company in 1988 from National Carriers Contract Services, has been named business development manager. Vic Hammill, previously with......
• T1phook Siteguard Taylor Ian Taylor Has Been Promoted To
managing director of the Tiphook Siteguard division, based in Manchester. He was previously sales manager at Tiphook's trailer rental division, where he has worked for 10 years.......
• Hughes Daf Mcleod Bob Mcleod Has Joined Hughes Daf
as sales director. Prior to this he was bus and diesel sales manager at DAF Bus in Thame, Oxfordshire.......
• Tnt Contract Distribution Holyoake Ray Holyoake Has...
has previously worked at Swifts and Federal Express as business development manager and at BT Rolatruck as regional sales project manager.......
• Mira Spencer/ennos/ Nevitt/lowe/smith/ Swallow/andrew/...
the board taking legal responsibility for the Motor Industry Research Association (MIRA) are as follows:— The non-executive directors are: Ritchie Spencer, chairman of powder......
• Garphyitan Kay Tony Kay Has Been Promoted To Sales
manager of the Elhydraulic division of Garphyttan. He will be responsible for UK sales of the Hesselman power packs and electro-hydraulic equipment. He joined Garphyttan at the......
• Daf International Morley Richard Morley Is The New...
development director at DAF International. Before this he was managing director of Austin Rover Ireland.......
• Seabourne Express Courier Co Well Peter Cowell Is...
He began his career in freight as an Air France clerk at Heathrow more than 20 years ago, worked at Adfreight from 1979 to 1983 as general manager and a director, and at the......
• E P Barrus Cammack E P Barrus Has Appointed
a new area manager, Graham Cammack, for its Yanmar Diesels sales team. Cammack's brief is to target dealers and diesel engine users.......
• Tachograph Analysis Consultants Kirkwood Nigel...
Tachograph Analysis Consultants, has been elected chairman of the Tachograph Analysis Association.......
• Bv1rla Ainsley Clive Ainsley Is The New Director General
of the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association. He has relinquished his position as deputy director of the Motor Agents Association.......
• Rha Scotney Philip Scotney, 21, Of Peterborough, Has Been
promoted to assistant district manager in the Road Haulage Association's Eastern District. Scotney has been with the RHA, which has some 2,000 companies in membership, for a......
• Lucas Automotive Ryder/stacy Paul Ryder Has Become...
of engine management systems at Lucas Automotive, succeeding Mike Stacy, who has been appointed managing director of Lucas Aerospace UK. Ryder, previously managing director of......
• Direct Link Coleman Phillip Coleman Has Become...
communications manager of Direct Link, responsible for buying vehicles, spares and radio equipment. He joined in 1986 as regional manager of operations.......