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Liverpool Carters Accept Wages Offer

6th January 1940, Page 22
6th January 1940
Page 22
Page 22, 6th January 1940 — Liverpool Carters Accept Wages Offer
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AEMBERS of the Liverpool Carters Mand Motormen's Union, on Sunday last, rejected by a small majority a proposal to tender notices in support of their application for an all-round increase of 10s. per week owing to the rise in the cost of living.

They accepted the offer by the Conference of Liverpool and Distriot Road Transport Employers of a 5s. per week rise for senior carters and 2s. 6d. for junior carters, but referred back to the employers their proposal that Merseyside wages should be correlated with the wages scale of the Central Wages Board. They asked that this matter be reconsidered.

The Conference has agreed that if A20 the application for an increase for motormen be made to, and granted by, the Central Wages Board, such increase should be retrospective to the first full pay period in January. It has also agreed to hold a further meeting with the men's delegates should there be undue delay in obtaining an increase through the Central Wages Board.