4th June 1929, Page 73
4th June 1929
Page 73
Page 73, 4th June 1929
Six-wheeler Conversions For Carrying Bulky Loads
The Experience of Many Years Causes an Industrial User to Standardize on Sixwheelers for Carrying Fibrous Material. I N the matter of selecting a type of vehicle for a certain......
Reducing Friction In Steering Connections.
WHEN hall-and-socket or yoke ends are 'fitted to a track V V rod the contact in the joints of the stub-axle arms and the track-rod ends is of the sliding type. The object of the......
A Simple Control For Tyre Inflation.
A S a rule the procedure when inflating a tyre is to connect the air supply to the tyre valve and then to detach • the connection at intervals to permit the application of a......