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E. Counties Compensation Figures Refused
L ORD WISE asked without success last week for an estimate of the amount of the annual compensation—if any--paid to the Eastern Counties Omnibus Co. because of the alteration of......
No Regulations For Speed-testing Radar
T HE -Government last week turned down a su gg estion that there should be re g ulations about -the desi g n and performance of radar speed-testin g e q uipment. Mr. Geoffrey......
Enough Cafe Facilities?
H EAVY vehicles still used the A2 road throu g h the Medway towns in preference to the M2 because the motorway Jacked a suitable transport cafe, said Mr. F. F. A. Burden (Tory,......
Sullivan Wins Appeal
A N appeal by W. Sullivan Ltd. a g ainst the g rant of a five-vehicle 13 licence to Jelks Transport Ltd. by the Metropolitan Licensin g Authority, was allowed by the Transport......