24th June 1960, Page 37
24th June 1960
Page 37
Page 37, 24th June 1960
Road Transport Takes Over Front Shipping In Carrying Of Wool
TRANSPORT of wool had presented difficulties since the shipping facilities offered by the London Scottish Lines, Ltd., had been discontinued. Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing......
Braking Charge Against Mobil Fails
1-1 . A SUMMONS brought against the Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., Tothill Street, S.W.1, for using a tanker with an inefficient braking system, was dismissed by Nottingham Magistrates,......
No Licence For Idle Vehicle
A N application for a B licence for a 9-tonner, to carry coal and building materials within 50 miles, made by John Smith and Sons (Edinburgh), Ltd., coal merchants, was refused......