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" Heavy " Makers Want Five Freedoms, Says Mr. Reeve
F IVE freedoms for hea'vy-vehiele manufacturers were demanded by Mr. C. W. Reeve, C,B.E., chairman of Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd.. in his annual speech to the......
P.v.o.a. Steps Up Campaign
A VIGOROUS campaign 'to recruit .. .manufacturers and suppliers as associate members of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association has been started. Members are asked to urge......
Orkney Beats Mainland On Its Own Ground
nESPIT strong protests from the 1- 1 railways, Glasgow Corporation and big bus companies, the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week granted the application of Mr. Magnus......
No Permits For Port 'traffic
THE Midland area is more fortunate in the granting of permits than any other part of the country. In the Potteries, the Ronk Haulage Executive claims that it can provide the......